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Children in Same-Sex “Marriage” Hell « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Children in Same-Sex “Marriage” Hell

April 8, 2013


SEXUAL predators used to have to go to the trouble of luring children in off the streets. Now all they have to do is marry each other and legally adopt children. George Harasz and Douglas Wirth allegedly did just that in Connecticut. The men adopted three sets of male siblings. They are now facing charges of sexual assault, after they withdrew their initial no-contest pleas to lesser charges in a hearing on Friday. According to the New York Daily News:

One of the victims who spoke during the court hearing said sexual assault began when he was 6.

“They took turns raping me over and over,” he said. “Anyone who would do this to a child is a sick, demented person.”

Let’s give these men the benefit of the doubt. Let’s suppose for the sake of argument that Wirth and Harasz are not guilty. They have not yet gone to trial. Still it is still only a matter of time before more such cases come to light given the widely documented predatory inclinations of homosexual men. Same-sex “marriage” and adoption are institutionalized child abuse.

Not only should these men be charged with a crime, but if they are found guilty all those who aided and abetted them should be charged too. There are too any accomplices to count. How about the adoption agency? How about the friends and relatives who supported their phony, sick, repulsive “marriage?” How about all those people who say, “Why shouldn’t I support same-sex marriage? After all it doesn’t affect me!”

— Comments —

Alex, who sent the story, writes:

When a homomarried couple adopts nine boys, it’s clear they are putting together a harem. But if anyone raised the suspicion, it would be a thought-crime – a crime much more grave than raping children.

A reader writes:

Excellent. Because heterosexual parents never abuse/assault their children.

Laura writes:

The rate of pedophilia is significantly higher among homosexuals than heterosexuals, a fact which should make homosexuals themselves alarmed about the prospect of marriage between pedophiles. It is uncommon to have two pedophiles in a normal marriage and unlikely that a wife would allow a husband to adopt many children if he had a known sexual interest in them. The fact that all homosexuals are not child abusers does not change these facts.

Andy writes:

“Because heterosexual parents never abuse/assault their children.”

By definition, a man who assaults young males is not a “heterosexual parent,” regardless of his own fatherhood of the children. It is amazing how confused people have become about these matters in the slouch towards degeneracy. People who practice sodomy ARE sodomites.

If the men of Sodom had never known women, the town would not have lasted very long from lack of generation. But relations with women were not what they preferred. Nor those adult males who prefer sexual congress with young men, even their own children. Jerry Sandusky, to use simply the latest of a long line of vile men, is not a “heterosexual parent.”

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