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Daughter Marries Muslim — and Parents Are Shocked at Terrorist Involvement « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Daughter Marries Muslim — and Parents Are Shocked at Terrorist Involvement

April 20, 2013


Tamleran Tsarnaev was married to a well-to-do American girl and was welcomed by her family.

THE family of Katherine Russell, the American woman who was married to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston bombers, has expressed shock that he was involved in a terrorist attack. Contrary to reports that Tamerlan was unable to adjust to American life, he was married to an American woman, had a daughter and was welcomed into her parents’ home. According to the Daily Mail:

One neighbor told how Katherine – who also uses the last name Tsarnaeva – converted to Islam shortly after starting school at Suffolk University in Boston, saying she believed the couple were married.

Speaking from the quiet suburb, the neighbor said: ‘I knew Katherine was married and she had converted to Islam.

‘She went away to college about three or four years ago and I saw her a year later and she was dressed in the Islamic style. Her hair was covered and she was wearing very baggy, flowy clothing.’

Apparently, the Russells have never heard of Muslim terrorism before. They appear to have accepted their Muslim son-in-law and did not cut off their daughter once she decided to convert to Islam. More from The Mail:

Katherine’s parents, Judith and Warren issued an emotional statement following the terror attack that left three dead and 176 injured, saying: ‘Our daughter has lost her husband today, the father of her child.

‘We cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred. In the aftermath of the Patriot’s Day horror, we know that we never really knew Tamerlane Tsarnaev.

‘Our hearts are sickened by the knowledge of the horror he has inflicted.’

They cannot “begin to comprehend” Islamic violence. These people are either shockingly stupid or are lying.

— Comments —

Jay from Goshen writes:

I vote for shockingly stupid. I cannot say the same for Tsarnaev’s parents, who decamped back to Russia out of (according to news reports) “nostalgia.” My foot.

Mrs. Tsarnaeva (senior) is a convicted shoplifter. They skipped town to avoid sentencing, or paying a fine. And who knows what Dad’s business in Russia is, what his associations are?

Beyond this, the story of Tamerlan gets “curiouser and curiouser.” The Russians warned the FBI about him, but we ignored the warning. Tamerlan visited Dagestan last year, why? Tamerlan’s best American friend (I thought he had no American friends, but never mind) died in a gruesome, still unsolved murder. I looked up these murders, which I had never heard of, not being from the Boston area. They died of throat wounds. How do three grown men die of throat wounds in one incident? I can picture three men executed with a firearm, but not by having their throats slit. Did they take numbers and wait patiently? I’m neither a criminal nor a mystery writer, so I have limited abilities in this area, but something about this is really strange.

The murders occurred on September 11, 2011. Dzhokhar became an American citizen on September 11, 2012.

The more we learn about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the more he looks like a ticking time bomb – literally.

Joe A. writes:

That opting-out of the European gene pool is a manifestation of Darwinian survival of the fittest that is hard to deny. Can’t you hear the emasculated, so-called father of this ill-raised woman?

“So long as he’s a good man and you love him, he’s welcome in our family. We give you both all our love!”

No doubt Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett gave the same emasculated speech to his daughter. We shall have fewer Americans but better Americans. So to speak.

Terry Morris writes:

“Contrary to reports that Tamerlan was unable to adjust to American life,…”

I don’t see how Tamerlan’s marriage to an American woman, and acceptance by her parents, indicates that he had adjusted to American life. Catherine, after all, converted to Islam and began wearing Islamic style clothing shortly following their marriage, according to friends of Catherine’s family. The Daily Mail story also indicates that Catherine and Tamerlan’s three-year-old daughter was given an Islamic name. These few details indicate to me that Tamerlan not only hadn’t yet adjusted to American life, but that he likely never would have had he lived longer.

I realize she will not see it this way, but in the event that Catherine is not in some way an accomplice to her husband’s crime, she is extremely fortunate to have had her marriage to a jihadist ended in his death. Hopefully she won’t make the same mistake a second time. But if I were her I would be very, very cautious about unsupervised visitations between her daughter and Tamerlan’s parents.

Laura writes:

I did not mean that he had adjusted in the sense that he was becoming Americanized, but in the sense that he was doing reasonably well.


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