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From the Mailbag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

From the Mailbag

April 15, 2013


A READER writes:


Finally! How refreshing to have found your website. I can now once and for all take up arms in the war against the emotional, psychological, physical oppression of women. Up until stumbling onto your site, I was one of those I-am-not-a-feminism-but (sic) women. Now, however, I can convincingly report that I can no longer sit idly by the sidelines with the likes of your propaganda still lurking around. You are doing a world of good! Kudos! I hope your site encourages other women to understand how our current status in society is still very much precarious and shouldn’t ever be taken for granted.

By the way, I have this nagging feeling that you are actually a man, but don’t feel the need to reply.

Warmest regards,

Maira Sergipense Brigneti-Lopes
B.A , M.S
Mother of two
Loving Wife of ten years
Owner of small Ecommerce site (just over $500,000 annual revenue)
Half marathoner
Thoroughly orgasmic to boot

Oh and wait,
[I have] a madly in love husband who doesn’t feel threatened by me.

—- Comments —

Kimberly writes:

Feminists are all so arrogant! She’s going to have to face her two children (so sad, so few) someday and wonder why she put money and marathons ahead of motherhood.

 It cracks me up that she didn’t know she was a feminist. “I’m not a feminist but…” But what? You’re just a manly woman? Yes, indeed, you are.  She thinks, “I am amazing and wonderful in every way; if they do not wish to follow my lead it can only mean that they are being emotionally and mentally abused. I must save them.”

Well, sign me up for the “spare-me-of-the-crazy-feminists” group of women. I am one that prefers the support of morally intelligent women like Laura Wood.

Jake writes:

“By the way, I have this nagging feeling that you are actually a man, but don’t feel the need to reply.”

Perhaps the only silver lining to the death of Lawrence Auster is that nobody will think you’re the same person anymore. If you’re a man, you’re not that man.

Keep up the good work.

Laura writes:

Yes, I will never again be flattered in that way.

Terry Morris writes:

Your “I’m-not-a-feminist-but” correspondent sounds like a real catch. Highly orgasmic, eh? Her parents must be very proud.

Alan M. writes:

“By the way, I have this nagging feeling that you are actually a man, but don’t feel the need to reply.”

People often reveal themselves in what they project on others.

Karen I. writes:

It’s interesting how Ms. Brigneti-Lopes puts her degrees before her children on her list of so-called accomplishments. Perhaps she feels compelled to make it clear that she is highly educated because she is defensive about writing at a middle school level. It’s also interesting how she said she “stumbled” across your site. As I have pointed out before, your site is not that easy to find, unless one is looking up something like “anti-feminism.” So it’s kind of hard to believe that anyone is stumbling across it, especially not someone as incredibly busy as Ms. Brigneti-Lopes. Why waste time stumbling around the internet into housewife sites when she could be training for her next half-marathon?

Oh, and what about that hyphenated name? Aren’t such names usually adopted by feminists? But Ms. (she writes like a Ms.) Brigneti-Lopes said she was “one of those I-am-not-a-feminism but women” until she found this site. I have this nagging feeling she’s fibbing.

Ms. Brigneti-Lopes has a lot to brag about. I mean, being “thoroughly orgasmic” is right up there on the list of accomplishments one strives for in life, especially mothers of young children, who aren’t likely to be at all embarrassed of their mother bragging about that particular accomplishment online. And, she isn’t on any SSRIs! Wow! She’s really something.

Most impressive of all, is that after being married a whopping ten years, Ms. Brigneti-Lopes says her husband is a “madly in love” husband. “Madly in love,” after ten years together. What are the odds of that? I must be jaded, because I kind of thought it was just silly teenagers who used terms like “madly in love” to describe their relationships, not grown women married ten years.

Mary writes:

Yes, beware the modern housewife for we are a dangerous lot the way we dominate the media, forcing our views on women the world over. News flash to Ms. Sergipense Brigneti-Lopes: the feminists won. Years ago. Feminists today, if they have any integrity and honesty at all, are now surveying the carnage and trying to make sense of it, wondering if maybe they threw the baby out with the bath water. Open your mind and join us in our little counter-cultural corner of the world. You might be surprised to find yourself thinking about old things in a new way.

John writes:

Maira is truly a legend in her own mind. Years ago I overheard two women complaining about “the male ego.” Feminism has taught me that this is an area where women can indeed be our equals.

Alex writes:

Mary writes:

Yes, beware the modern housewife for we are a dangerous lot the way we dominate the media, forcing our views on women the world over. News flash to Ms. Sergipense Brigneti-Lopes: the feminists won. Years ago.

As Lawrence Auster pointed out, the closer liberalism gets to complete, undisputed dominance, the more vicious and determined it becomes in its drive to squash the last remaining vestiges of non-liberalism that still stand between it and complete control of society. Laura’s semi-literate correspondent is a typical example of this trend.

Laura writes:

Feminist laws, institutions and victories thus serve to confirm the evil intractability of patriarchy because despite these laws, institutions and victories, sex differences remain.

Mary writes:

What strikes me is this woman’s resemblance to the male chauvinist from days of old – you know, the pumped-up guy who brags about how much money he makes, his physical strength and sexual prowess – the guy the 70’s feminists taught us to loathe? And yet she claims to suspect Laura Wood is a man. Go figure. I don’t think this woman is aware that she comes across as celebrating herself: she describes herself as a “loving wife” (a term normally used by others to describe a loved one); has a “madly in love husband” (instead of a husband she’s madly in love with) who isn’t threatened by her (why would he be? only she can answer this). Her whole post is unseemly and exhibits a form of the soft narcissism commonly found in feminists. She claims she is about to join their ranks but I am afraid she’s already been under their influence without knowing it for a while now.

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