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Honor and Muslim Violence « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Honor and Muslim Violence

April 26, 2013


Tamerlane's army attacks Nerges, Georgia in the spring of 1396

AT the Center for Political Islam, Kenneth Roberts examines the Islamic concept of honor and its probable role in the Boston Marathon bombings. Roberts writes:

Why do some American journalists have trouble discerning the motives behind the Boston bombings? The Tsarnaev brothers killed Bostonians for the honor of Islam. Westerners do not understand the Islamic concept of honor. ‘Honor’ to a Muslim is something as concrete and tangible as the Washington Monument, the Colorado River or the Rocky Mountains.

Honor as Plunder

To a Muslim, ‘honor’ is as real as money in the bank or gold coins hidden in a box in the drawer. Honor brings prestige to Islam, to Mohammed and to Allah. Because ‘honor’ is so important in Islam, the main goal of jihad is to acquire more ‘honor’ for Islam. How this acquisition is done is simple. It is done through (sic) by humiliating kafirs. For Muslims, honor is real and concrete, and not merely an abstract concept.

Honor always flows towards Islam. Kafirs should not have ‘honor’ because it keeps them from becoming Muslims.

If a man has honor and he is a kafir, Muslims must conduct jihad to take away some or all of his ‘honor’. When this happens, Muslim ‘honor’ increases just like money increasing in a bank account or like the heavier side of balances that drops down when it outweighs the lighter side. Plundering the honor of kafirs encourages them to convert to Islam. Every Muslim understands this concept and accepts it as normal, natural and good. Allah said so in his pre-existent Koran. That settles it.

Islamic ‘honor’ resembles the reputation of sports teams. If the Boston Bruins have won 4 games against the Montreal Canadiens while losing 5 games to them, the Bruins must win the next match to recover their honor by disgracing the Canadiens.


The Tsarnaev brothers brought pride to all true Muslims by their victory. Tamerlan (named after the genocidal murderer of 20 million kafirs) is now an Islamic martyr. Tamerlan died after shooting a policemen several times in the neck and while throwing home-made grenades at police. He humiliated American police, and then became a martyr. Islamic martyrdom is the greatest honor in Islam. Martyrs prove Islam is true by giving their lives. Islamic martyrs score the greatest number of points for Islam. [cont.]

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