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In Ohio, More Soon-to-be-Forgotten Victims of Black Crime « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

In Ohio, More Soon-to-be-Forgotten Victims of Black Crime

April 11, 2013


JOHN LEHMAN was a 28-year-old with developmental disabilities who worked at a McDonald’s on West Market Street in Akron, Ohio when he was taking the trash out of the rear exit of the restaurant last Saturday night. A black male in an SUV drove up as he opened the door and gunned him down. Lehman was shot three times and died immediately, leaving his humble existence in a dramatic and gruesome way.

No one has been arrested in the shooting and it is probable that Lehman, who had worked at the McDonalds for ten years, did not know the man who killed him, except perhaps as a customer. Lehman was one of four whites in Akron murdered by blacks over the course of six days, according to the Council of Conservative Citizens. The victims include Jeffrey and Margaret Schobert, an Akron attorney and his wife who were beaten to death with a sledgehammer by the boyfriend of their adopted daughter. Their bodies were discovered in their bed by workers renovating their home. Mrs. Schobert had just returned from the hospital, where her adopted daughter was recovering from stab wounds inflicted by a black male at a party.

This wave of black violence is not uncommon, but you will find no uproar or indignation in the national news. While Trayvon Martin was a hero, John Lehman will probably be remembered by no one but his friends, family and the people who lived in the neighborhood. Are any of these crimes “hate crimes?” Well, let’s just say the assailants did not love their victims.

Of course, anyone who points out these crimes as racial crimes and acts of hatred is inevitably labeled as angry and psychologically sick. Whereas anyone who remembers those blacks lynched by whites many years ago is considered a noble advocate of justice. In reality, those who refuse to decry or even acknowledge these modern-day black crimes are the ones who are psychologically deformed, rejecting at a deep inner level the humane and civilized aversion to depravity and cruelty. We are a nation that routinely overlooks disgusting acts of extreme and barbaric human cruelty. As Lawrence Auster wrote in a 1998 essay, “Multiculturalism and the Demotion of Man,” Americans must participate in a form of “self-hypnosis” to maintain this denial:

This, at its Orwellian core, is the mindset that enables contemporary whites never to entertain a negative conclusion about blacks, while always making whites themselves responsible for blacks’ moral and intellectual failings. This (in Joseph Sobran’s useful coinage) is alienism: “a prejudice in favor of the alien, the marginal, the dispossessed, the eccentric, reaching an extreme in the attempt to ‘build a new society’ by destroying the basic institutions of the native.” This is the intellectual and spiritual environment which, combined with racial diversification, has turned America into the opposite of itself – into the anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-rational, anti-American anti-nation that is Multicultural America.

—- Comments —-

Jay from Goshen writes:

I wondered whether the Schoberts were Republican. I simply entered the words “Jeffrey Schobert Republican” into the google search engine and found this.

Although Mr. Schobert occasionally voted Democrat and did not necessarily declare party affiliation, he and his wife were apparently Republicans.

Why does this matter? I suppose in essence it doesn’t, but it’s another bit of evidence that racial inanity knows no party lines. I think it’s a class issue. I am from a blue collar Democrat background and I am much more racially wise than Mr. and Mrs. Schobert.

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