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More Violence Against Christian Copts in Egypt « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More Violence Against Christian Copts in Egypt

April 11, 2013



Barry Rubin writes about the most recent of the never-ending Moslem attacks on Coptic Christians in Egypt. In some ways there is nothing new in this story. Copts, the Egyptians who descend from Pharaonic Egypt and were in the country for millennia before the Arabs invaded, have been subject to attack ever since Egypt’s subjugation to Islam in the Seventh Century.

It is sobering to realize that Barack Hussein Obama and his U.S. administration stand firmly behind the Moslem Brotherhood government (including with billions in military and economic aid) that stands idly by as these anti-Christian pogroms take place. That is, when the MB is not encouraging them.

As Rubin notes, regime change is probably coming to Syria soon, with Islamists who will make the Assad regime look gentle the most likely successors to it. And that unhealthy development, not least for the Middle East’s surviving Christians, is one the Obama administration welcomes and is doing what it can to abet.

I know the U.S. government is non-Christian. Is is too much to ask that it not be anti-Christian, abroad as well as at home? Today, to ask that question is to answer it …

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