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The French Resistance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The French Resistance

April 20, 2013


THE Huffington Post recently called homosexual marriage an “unstoppable global trend.” Events in France suggest otherwise — but don’t hold your breath waiting for the American press to keep you informed. Once again, I refer readers to Galliawatch where the journalist Tiberge provides vital updates for English-speaking readers. Earlier this week, she wrote:

New rallies are planned all the time in all major cities. If François Hollande is inert, the good people of France are in an accelerating frenzy of activity that is completely different from the riots and marches we’ve seen in the past. They are peaceful, justifiably angered by their government’s cold indifference, and motivated by religious and moral principles, making this “French Spring” a potential counter-revolution. Is it possible that the brutality with which Catholics were treated during the French Revolution will finally be avenged?

The crowds are getting larger and larger, significant groups of people, usually young (though not children) have been camping out at various spots in Paris and are often arrested, only to be released about twelve hours later. The Catholic demonstrators have not committed any acts of violence, but have been victims of police actions.

And today, Tiberge writes:

It’s interesting how everyone feels that this time the protesters will pursue their goal until they have achieved what they want. I think it’s because for once we have a massive protest movement composed primarily of conservative people with moral and religious principles, a sense of pride in their great heritage and above all an awareness of the dangers hovering over France, not merely gay marriage, but the entire Socialist agenda. Usually the protesters in the street are the Socialists themselves demanding more gifts and creating mayhem. This time they are largely Catholics demanding justice for the primary human institution: the family. The winds have changed completely.

Protests in Versailles, April 16


In related news, Don Vincenzo sends this report on the case of Rabbi Gilles Bernheim:

The Chief Rabbi of France since 2008, Gilles Bernheim, recently issued a strongly worded defense of the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, citing Old Testament writing, as well as the recent Christmas message of (former) Pope Benedict XVI. In the case of Rabbi Bernheim, however, he was specifically criticizing the recent effort by the French Socialist government to change the definition of marriage to include marriage by homosexuals, a proposal which has triggered huge demonstrations throughout France.

With his statements, Rabbi Bernheim became the target of pressure groups throughout not only France, but Europe as well, and the “long knives” came out to get rid of this traditionally minded cleric.

First, via an Internet blogger, he was accused of plagiarism in a book he wrote, and then of lying about the professorial rank he’d achieved, both of which he explained in detail. There was no wrongdoing. Rabbi Mernheim claimed that the plagiarism charges were completely false because the man whose notes the Rabbi had been accused of plagiarizing, a French post-modernist philosopher named Jean-Francoise Lyotard, had actually done the plagiarizing from lectures the Rabbi had delivered in the 1980s, while he was chaplain of Jewish university students in Paris.

The important objective of the homosexual lobby here was to demean the character and honesty of Rabbi Mernheim. A serious effort was being made to send the Rabbi a message that he would be harassed for the indefinite future, and that he would be wise to proffer his resignation, which, at first, Rabbi Bernheim staunchly resisted: “It would be an act of pride and against the collegial structure that presides over decisions.  I assume my functions fully.”

But not for long: less than a week later, Rabbi Bernheim tendered his resignation after meeting with the Central Israelite Consistory of France.

Much of the information about Rabbi Bernheim’s was available on Italian websites, but precious little of it in the U.S. The power and extent of the homosexual “lobby’s” influence in the Vatican was reported by the Italian newspaper, La Repubblica, after the pope’s Christmas statement in which he made public his decision to resign. There is a report of the “homoheresy” that was given to Pope Francis I, which supposedly lays out the scope and extent of homosexual influence and blackmail inside the Vatican.

One of the Italian websites, chiesapostcincilio, in describing the treatment and subsequent resignation of Rabbi Bernheim wrote that he, (my translation) “…was a victim of the most powerful lobby in the world.”

In contemporary America, the continual excoriation and damning of the National Rifle Association by the President and certain members of Congress is an almost quotidian occurrence. When any serious event in which guns are used and death results occurs, it is the NRA which will he held at least partially responsible for the carnage. Its critics claim the tentacles of the evil NRA  “lobby” extend throughout the land. But could there be a more powerful and international lobby hardly ever scrutinized for its baleful effect on society?

Rabbi Bernheim receiving the Legion d'Honnuer

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