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The Greatest Nations on Earth Have Women Soldiers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Greatest Nations on Earth Have Women Soldiers

April 11, 2013


North Korea's awesome, incredibly formidable fighting forces (Reuters)

ACCORDING to The Daily Mail:

Women are believed to represent more than 10 per cent of the entire North Korean People’s Army, according to visitors to the state, with many of the artillery units along the coasts manned with women.

Propaganda songs have been written to attract more women into the coastal artillery units and women fighters now guard nearly all tunnels and bridges.

Kim Ok-Hee, 28, a former instructor at a training camp described in a 2007 interview how the state relies heavily on its female soldiers.

Kim served at the 4.25 boot camp, a mechanised division whose mission is to guard the coasts of South and North Pyongan Provinces against the infiltration by enemy paratroopers during a crisis.

The boot camp had five regiments and each regiment had a women infantry battalion consisting of tanks and artilleries, she said.

But even in North Korea’s supposedly egalitarian society, women with good looks or family influence are deployed at more desirable postings, such as medical units, while others end up in artillery units, she said.

Choi Young-Il, 38, who served as a maintenance mechanic in the North Korean air force, said in the same interview that women began to be deployed in his units around 1998.

‘In my unit, all the pilots for IL-28 bombers were women and many women were pilots for the AN-2, which Kim Jong-Il boasted as a more deadly weapon than nuclear bombs,’ Choi said.

See the video accompanying The Daily Mail article of a North Korean woman threatening to turn Washington into a “sea of flames.” She would make a terrific mom.


— Comments —-

James P. writes:

 But they’re kinda cute when they do their dance routines — see here and here!

Laura writes:

They’re a cross between Ziegfield Follies and the Red Army.

Stewart W. writes:

I can only hope that someday the soldierettes in our armed forces get to wear such awesome clogs while humping eighty-pound rucksacks through the wastelands of Afghanistan. They’ll be unstoppable!

 Jeanette V. sends this photo of a unit in the Ukrainian army:

Michael S. writes:


Michael adds:

And I just noticed that there not all wearing the same style shoes. No standard issue for them, apparently.

 Clark Coleman writes:

 Why do the North Korean and Ukrainian women appear to serve in all-female segregated units? Have their governments not advanced as far as ours? Are they still so backwards as to think that distractions and pregnancies and jealousy and problems with morale will result from mixed-sex units?


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