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The Tsarnaevs Claimed Persecution « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Tsarnaevs Claimed Persecution

April 25, 2013


The Tsarnaev parents and Tamerlan

DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL reports on the immigration history of the family of the Boston bombing suspects:

The Tsarnaev family committed immigration fraud, falsely claiming persecution and requesting asylum it never should have gotten. You can blame that on the Bush Administration, which granted the Tsarnaev family both tourist visas to come here and then asylum for the entire family . . . less than a year after 9/11, when scrutiny of Muslim applicants for asylum should have been stepped up. Instead, Bush Administration pandering to Islam was stepped up. My sources say the Bush Administration, which could have challenged the Tsarnaev asylum claim, did not and, instead, allowed the Tsarnaevs to be rubberstamped into America.

…. [T]he Tsarnaevs claimed in their asylum application that they experienced persecution in Russia because they were Chechens a/k/a Muslims. But the evidence shows that the claim was a lie. In fact, the Tsarnaevs were not from Russia. They were from Kyrgyzstan, where 80% of the population is Muslim. But they were crooks and had problems with the “authorities” there. So, they moved to Dagestan, a Russian republic, where 83% of the population is Muslim. It is from there that the Tsarnaevs moved to the United States. They were not persecuted there. And, in fact, both parents are now back living in Russia, a sure sign that they experienced no persecution there, as was the fact that terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev traveled back to Russia. If they were treated so horribly there, they would not go back. But they did. They lied. Mommy Zubeidat Tsarnaev is more afraid of facing shoplifting and theft charges from Lord & Taylor than she is the authorities back in her “persecuting” homeland.

— Comments —-

Buck writes:

Robert Booker “Bob” Baer (who) is an American author and a former CIA case officer who was primarily assigned to the Middle East, said this during a TV panel discussion (my transcription):

It’s systemic absolutely. There’s no other way to describe it [but] as a failure. Immigrations didn’t tell the FBI that he was leaving. Immigrations didn’t tell the FBI that he was coming back. We don’t know what the CIA told the FBI, but two warnings from Russian intelligence, you don’t ignore. The FSB (Federal Security Service) , the SVR (Russian Foreign Intelligence Service – the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki), the two main Russian intelligence services don’t like the United States. They don’t provide tactical intelligence. And, when they do, you had better listen. This is not a case of politicized intelligence, which would have occurred if it was a Chechen leader living in the United States. There are a couple, one in the Gulf. Yes, they do try to frame them, but simply a man of 26 years old; they had something firm in order to come [say something] to the United States. And, that was ignored by the system and we do need congressional hearings because we should have gotten over this after 9/11. “Stove piping” has gone on; the inability to have a unified data base, that people are actually looking at this and are forced to act when a red flag goes up; like going back to Dagestan – going back to the “front.”

Two other author/experts on the show agreed and expanded on U.S. intelligence failure with additional details.

We are confronted with a stream of mixed IQ suicide terrorists who have the one and only critical and necessary attribute for success, a commitment to die. And we are confronted with our own pathetic, dysfunction political and “intelligence” apparatus which is getting increasingly dumber and more dysfunctional as the threat increases by its ease of execution. If we have any luck at all in stopping terrorist, it is random dumb luck.

Along side this civilization killing reality, just yesterday two Mexican nationals, here illegally (duh), were charged with selling ten thousand sets of phony IDs to other illegals. How many, other than these two entrepreneurs, are doing the same thing in this land of opportunity? I searched. I found countless stories of arrest, prosecutions and convictions; 1,950,000 results for “Mexicans sentenced for selling fake IDs”

My God. Every national structure is broken, and every institution and in this country is flying blind on auto-pilot. Anyone still conscious in the cockpit is brain-dead. Our “pilots” are mingling in first class with the wealthy, while the mindless middle blithely suffers being packed ever tighter in the fuselage, behind the center of gravity, and they willing pay to be searched and probed for the privilege.

Laura writes:

Baer suggests that a properly functioning intelligence system could prevent these attacks from happening. But the United States will never have adequate intelligence to prevent many of these attacks unless it appoints a full-time intelligence officer to every Muslim and Muslim convert in this country. The best system is to repatriate Muslims to their own countries.

Jay of Goshen writes:

Boston.com has good coverage of the events, although I find it hard to put up with the tone not to mention the language. I’m not sure how much of the “this-raises-questions” journo-speak I can take anymore.

It confirms that the apprehension was a TV-ratings farce:

“Members of the MBTA SWAT team that arrested Dzhokhar Tsarnaev confirmed that, despite their fears, the 19-year-old bombing suspect did not appear to have a weapon when they finally pulled him from the bullet-riddled boat in a Watertown backyard where he was hiding. He was struggling to remain conscious, and had no weapon on him, they said.

“He looked like a bloodied-face suspect in need of medical care,” SWAT team member Kenny Tran said in an interview with the Globe.”

Who riddled the boat with bullets, and why? Didn’t they know, by deduction and with the help of their high-tech heat-seeking technology (which can look into your home and mine, let’s remember!), that he was unarmed and not dangerous?

As your commenter Buck says, “Every national structure is broken…”

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