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A Bumper Sticker « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Bumper Sticker

May 23, 2013


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B.E. writes:

I was just thinking about the original “Coexist” bumper sticker and what it means a few hours before I saw this post. Yet another synchronistic “coincidence,” as our dear departed friend Lawrence Auster would say.

Leftists and liberals love this sticker because it promotes so many of their beliefs in one small package. The obvious ones are diversity/multiculturalism and non-discrimination, but a closer inspection is revealing.

To start with, the symbol of Christianity comes last. This is in keeping with their denigration of the religion of the West, and their desire to see it downgraded and, eventually, removed from the public sphere entirely. It says, “Christian, know your place: last.” It also expresses their anti-Western bias.

Working towards the front (and skipping some of the signs in between), the “e” combines both the male and female symbols IN ONE GLYPH. What better representation could there be of their belief that “gender” is a malleable social construct, rather than an innate attribute?

Next we have the peace symbol, almost at the front, symbolizing their belief not just in non-violence, but in anti-violence. Violence, and the means to execute it, are to be not just disavowed but outlawed. Of course, the only exception is violence against the sub-rationals who are too primitive to understand liberalism (e.g., those who “cling to guns or religion”)–in other words, us.

Finally, at the front of the line, the symbol for submission: the star and crescent of Islam. Mr. Auster hypothesized that someday, liberals might become willing servants of an ascendant Islam in the West.  This bumper sticker, in its own way, supports his argument.

I hate the original “Coexist” bumper sticker and what it stands for. This modified version is a brilliant rebuttal of the original.

A reader writes:

FYI, that’s a Crusader sword in the newer bumper sticker, not an Islamic one.

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