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A French Jihadist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A French Jihadist

May 30, 2013


A MAN identified only as Alexandre D. was arrested yesterday for stabbing a French soldier in the neck over the weekend. He is a recent convert to Islam and was seen praying before the attack. The 25-year-old soldier was stabbed in a shopping mall, and was treated in a hospital and released. Interior Minister Manuel Valls says other “radical” Muslims are under surveillance, as if there is an administrative solution to a threat that arises in the invisible heart of an observant Muslim.

Alexandre D. had been under surveillance too. But then the French police have been busy arresting mothers of young children and Catholic university students. Why worry about followers of a creed that commands the violent conquest of France when there are so many dangerous people who want children to have a maman et papa? A Muslim must kill or maim before he is identified as a radical. A French patriot or Christian need merely wave a banner at the top of a building for the French security forces to determine he is as an extremist who should be arrested and detained.

Virgil’s Laocoön called out to the citizens of Troy,”O unhappy citizens, what madness?” But no one listened. Troy wanted to believe the wooden horse was a gift of peace and love. Or as David Cameron would say as Troy burned, “The horse is a betrayal of Greece.”

The Procession of the Trojan Horse in Troy by Domenico Tiepolo (1773),

—- Comments —-

Buck writes:

Events may be spiraling out of control in France. The “extreme, hard, far-right wing radical, fringe and Fascist” political group Bloc Identitaire, known for once wearing pig masks, doesn’t seem to have committed a crime or broken a serious law yet. They primarily generate ideas and media presence. “Without hatred, without weapons or violence,” they unfurl banners. Apparently the banners which unexpectedly explode out of peaceful, public gatherings, threaten France more than Islam and its blood thirsty jihadist. Bloc Identitaire is alleged to have a history of this kind of “extreme,” “radical far-right wing” activity.

Several years ago, they dished out pork soup to the homeless, which was quickly banned. They’ve openly dined on wine and pork roast, and have been banned from sharing wine and sausages (Sausisson-pinard) with the public. Forbidden in Islam, wine and pork feature heavily in traditional French cuisine. They defiantly talk about France’s history, evoking legends and stirring pride in its roots and heritage. Ten years ago, the “extreme, far-right wing” group campaigned against Sniper, a charming rap group that Nicolas Sarkozy called “ruffians who dishonor France.”

Nine years ago, and this may be the what ranks them with the Fascists; they “organized a campaign against Italian writer Cesare Battisti, one-time member of the terrorist group Armed Proletarians for Communism, who was wanted in Italy for an assassination carried out during the years of lead in which he denies responsibility. Battisti accused the “cell of the Italian embassy” of having “financed” the Bloc identitaire’s campaign against him (in Ma Cavale, p. 160). Battisti was convicted to life sentence in his homeland for a total of 36 charges, including participation on four murders. The French government would subsequently decide to extradite him to Italy, but Battisti escaped to Brazil where he was granted political asylum.”

The Bloc Identitaire’s “deliberately activist” and peaceful approach threatens to get people thinking. But, what is actually so threatening about Bloc Identitaire is “identity.” They “firmly believe in three levels of belonging: region/nation/Europe.”

Daniel S. writes:

Your post about the “French” jihadist and the persecution of French patriots ties into my earlier comment about anarcho-tyranny, which is now the political status quo in most of the West. The Tsarnaev brothers, Michael Adebolajo, and this French suspect were all known to authorities in their respective countries of residence for their espousal of violence and attempts to join terrorist organizations in Somalia and Dagestan, and yet no move was made to detain them or otherwise protect the public from them. On the other hand, the American government has had no qualms about sending the IRS after the Tea Party or pro-life organizations; the British are ever swift in arresting people who post “racist” remarks on the internet; and the French have been ever eager to crackdown on non-violent nationalist groups. The question is why do Western governments vigorously persecute their own law abiding citizens for non-liberal political views, while allowing violent, radical Muslims to roam the streets freely until they murder someone? (A rhetorical question for sure.)

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