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A Good Soldier for Islam « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Good Soldier for Islam

May 24, 2013


BILL R. writes:

I could not ask for better confirmation than this about who does and doesn’t condemn these acts or call them a “betrayal” of Islam. An Islamic cleric who taught Michael Adebolajo, the Woolwich attacker, and was banished from Britain in 2005 has praised him in an interview for “standing firm, courageous, brave.” This is what you actually get out of Islam in response to attacks like this if you get anything at all. So much for Adebolajo’s “betrayal” of Islam.

The article also notes in passing that, “the attack has been vociferously condemned by Muslim organizations across Britain.” Has it now? So vociferous I didn’t even know about it until I read that line, which stands alone, by the way, as its own paragraph and it’s the only thing about it in the entire article. Not one of these organizations is named nor is what specifically was said in condemning the attack mentioned.

Later in the article the cleric is quoted as saying, “Maybe Michael [Adebolajo], in the eyes of many people in Britain, Muslim and non-Muslim, they don’t condone what he did. They condemn it. But in the eyes of Muslims around the world they don’t see him the same way. The Muslims in this country [Lebanon], they are so happy, proud of him. They see him as a freedom fighter attacking a military base.”

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