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An ATD (Academically Transmitted Disease) in the Mail « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An ATD (Academically Transmitted Disease) in the Mail

May 18, 2013


ADAM writes:

The attached graphic is from an email I received from the alumni association of my university. This was one of the news items in the alumni newsletter I receive regularly. It was advertising a networking mixer specifically for “LGBT” alumni. I found the name of the event quite appropriate: LGBT Devils’ Pride Chapter Mixer. Of course, it is referring to the Sun Devils — the name of the university’s football team. But the second meaning also works, as in the pride in (and promotion of) homosexuality (i.e., the “gay pride” movement). Who does this pride belong to? The name of their LGBT alumni club tells us, using the possessive apostrophe, that the pride belongs to devils (plural).

Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but the headline of their little news item really stood out to me. When I read it, I was reminded of your recent post about the transgendered assaulting feminists at a recent conference of pseudo-scholars (professional revolutionaries and agitators).

— Comments —-

Jay from Goshen writes:

Times are tough. Students graduate from colleges and universities with meaningless degrees and crushing loads of debt.

If you can’t get a job, become an LGBTQ activist. James Clementi, who is the late Tyler Clementi’s older brother, is a graduate of Skidmore, and an LGBTQ activist.

It’s a living.

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