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Cameron Says Islam Is the Victim of Woolwich Attack « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cameron Says Islam Is the Victim of Woolwich Attack

May 23, 2013


JAY from Goshen writes:

I’m surprised at you. You are just not getting it.

This London attack was an attack on Islam. That’s what really hurts.

Up is down.
Down is up.
Black is white.
White is black.
And the sun rotates around the earth.

Don’t you know that either?

— Comments —

Laura writes:

According to the Reuters report, Cameron said:

“We will never give in to terror or terrorism in any of its forms.”

“This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”

James N. writes:

Interesting that David Cameron has joined the prominent imams George W. Bush and Barack Obama in their collective efforts to proclaim the “true Islam.”

He must really be deeply immersed in the Koran and the Hadiths! He must have spent years and years at the madrassa, to be such an expert.

This is the TRUE multiculturalism – to take delusions ever higher and higher, and to never look down.

Laura writes:

He’s a liar or an idiot.

Muslims are perfectly capable of knowing when Islam is betrayed and responding. That’s what fatwas are for, and beheadings and stonings and suicide bombs and airplanes aimed at skyscrapers filled with traitors to Islam. That’s what the repudiation of wives is for and the execution of apostates. Where is the fatwa against the Woolwich attackers?

Theo Van Gogh betrayed Islam. The Dutch cartoonist betrayed Islam. Terry Jones betrayed Islam. The British soldier betrayed Islam by the simple fact that he was not a soldier for Mohammed. That’s exactly why he was killed. No people on earth are more attuned to betrayal of their prophet and of their political quest for domination than Muslims. But the sniveling Cameron feels they need help. He is condemning Britons to further “terrorist attacks.” He is an accomplice to the violent conquest of Britain.

Jay writes:

You wrote on Cameron: “He is either a liar or an idiot.”

Of course, he is a liar. One look at Cameron’s bio and you’ll see that he is what the British call a very clever man.

Give me a true idiot any day over an habitual liar. We can’t blame people who are stupid for being so, nature made them that way. But a liar is an evil, immoral person.

And that is what David Cameron is. Along with EVERY other elected politician, and top corporate executive.

Laura writes:

Here is more from Cameron’s remarks:

We will defeat violent extremism by standing together, by backing our police and security services, and above all by challenging the poisonous narrative of extremism on which this violence feeds.

Britain works with our international partners to make the world safe from terrorism – terrorism that has taken more Muslim lives than any other religion. It is an utter perversion of the truth to pretend anything different.

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