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Cuomo and the Cardinal « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Cuomo and the Cardinal

May 21, 2013



Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York is a politician whose role in pushing through the legalization of homosexual marriage, including making knowingly false guarantees about the exemption of religious institutions from the law, is second to none. But it has not kept him from receiving the approval of the famously pandering prince of the Catholic Church, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Gov. Cuomo was married in a Catholic church but is currently divorced. He has also lived openly with his girlfriend, which has not stopped his attendance at Mass and receiving communion. This “Catholic” politician now seeks to dismantle the state’s abortion restrictions even beyond what currently exists in ultra-liberal New York.

If the cardinal were located in our nation’s dysfunctional capital instead of New York, this would be a case of classic Washington, D.C. politics: say something vague that seems strong at first blush, then send your spokesman to correct the record with the reporter, creating confusion among the voters or, in this case, the faithful.

From the New York Daily News:

ALBANY — New York’s Timothy Cardinal Dolan warned Gov. Cuomo to be ready for a holy battle if he tries to strengthen state abortion-rights laws.

In an interview on an Albany radio station Tuesday, Dolan said Catholic bishops would be “as vociferous and rigorous as possible in our opposition” to the governor’s efforts. Although Cuomo has yet to release an abortion bill, he’s announced plans to write into New York law protections now provided by federal court decisions like Roe vs. Wade. The governor’s efforts are aimed at keeping abortion safe and legal in New York even if Roe vs. Wade is overturned or weakened.

Archbishop Dolan said the conviction Monday of Philadelphia abortion provider Dr. Kermit Gosnell on murder charges calls for laws that go the other way instead.

“I am in a bit of consternation as to why in a time when there seems to be kind of a sobering up about these horrors of the unfettered access to abortion, why in New York we are talking about even expanding it further,” Dolan said.

When asked how Cuomo could still consider himself a Catholic in good standing while also promoting abortion legislation, Dolan responded: “That’s something that I talk turkey with him about.”

Dolan spokesman Joseph Zwilling later said the cardinal did not mean to suggest that Cuomo would not be a Catholic in good standing if he went forward with the bill. [emphases added.]

Need anything more be said…or written…about the Chairman of the USCCB?

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