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Danger! Illegal Parking in Sweden, Angry Tweets in Britain « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Danger! Illegal Parking in Sweden, Angry Tweets in Britain

May 29, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

I suppose it comes as little surprise that the Swedish police stood back and allowed hordes of Muslim immigrants to roam the streets of Stockholm burning cars, buildings, and anything else they fancied. What does stand out is that the Swedish police issued parking tickets on the numerous burned out cars.

In a not so dissimilar vein, British authorities arrested at least three people for making anti-Muslim comments on Facebook and Twitter following the brutal murder of a British soldier by a pair of Nigerian Muslims. On the other hand, the Muslim killers were long known to authorities for their violent views and attempts to join terrorists in Somalia, and yet they were never detained or prosecuted.

The late Sam Francis designated this state of affairs as “anarcho-tyranny“:

Unwilling to control immigration and the cultural disintegration it causes, the authorities instead control the law-abiding.

This is precisely the bizarre system of misrule I have elsewhere described as “anarcho-tyranny”—we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).

—- Comments —-

Alex writes:

The government goes after those who pose a threat to it. The Muslims are not a threat but an ally – they are there because the government brought them in to outvote those natives that still haven’t surrendered. It’s natives who are waking up to this fact that are a threat to the government, so the government has made it illegal for natives to wake up and persecutes those who do.

The government is not just “unwilling to control immigration” – Western governments are using immigration purposefully, deliberately, as a weapon, a means of creating a new people that will always vote the right way. How much longer can we believe that our rulers are well-intentioned but misguided by their liberal ideology, or simply incompetent, when all evidence points to the fact that they are evil? They adopt the liberal ideology because it’s the perfect means of controlling the white masses in the West, through white guilt, etc., and thus get and stay in power. It’s the same as African dictatorships all being Marxist: of course they are Marxist – Marxism is the perfect system if a ruler wants to stay in power forever once he’s got there in a non-Muslim non-Western country. Liberal ideology is such a system for white Western countries, if you substitute “permanent ruling class” for “permanent ruler.”

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