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They Refused Lesbians a Double Bed « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

They Refused Lesbians a Double Bed

May 22, 2013



The item about Tbilisi’s priests and protesters caught my attention.

This is because my wife and I operate a bed-and-breakfast in New Zealand and are currently dealing with a complaint filed with the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. The reason is that we would not offer a lesbian couple a double bed, just single beds. Of course, in a world where millions are homeless and any bed would suffice, we have nevertheless transgressed most grievously against the holy caste.

Today I also received an email from a group called Acceptance which claims connection with the Church of the Latter Day Saints and its role is to help Mormon LGTB victims wherever they are around the world. In pursuit of this lofty goal, they are taking little ol’ moi to the Human Rights Commission in the Hague. I wonder if that is the same European city that New Zealand troops helped liberate from Nazism.

On our website we have had to defend a postion of integrity without saying exactly what we mean because the truth apparently is so unsettling:

“Our nation’s moral code has been based on generally accepted values which have guided legislation. Essentially parliament’s concern is matters legal and the peoples’ concern is matters moral. When these line up we have peace and harmony but when politicians legislate against morality, a disconnect occurs. Unjust laws need to be questioned for if we fail to do this we will become corrupted by the law instead of edified and protected by it. You are welcome to stay in our home, whatever your beliefs, so long as you respect and understand ours.”

Interestingly, the opposition has made a huge fuss about our hosting a small Orthodox community when this actually has nothing to do with the story. Articles can be found here and here.

— Comments —
Buck writes:

What happens if the same two homosexuals return to the Ruskin’s home in late August of this summer, married or not? Will they shut down their B&B, or will it be too late to avoid prosecution? They can’t win. They’ll likely shut down by August 19, when same-sex marriage will be legal. The fact that the Human Rights Act provided for an exception for shared residential accommodation couldn’t have stood up to further scrutiny much longer anyway. Now, they’ll have to exclude all non-married couples, regardless of sex or “gender” in order to stay open.

Same-sex marriage has received “Royal assent,” to include adoption. It’s a done deal. It’s done here and it will be done everywhere.

The Ruskins put their tiny fingers into the dike, but the “angry waters” won’t be held back. Nothing is going to stop the tsunami of full blown radical autonomy, short of an out-and-out “war.”

The applause in the voting bodies of Western governments is getting deafening. The Brits voted 366 to 161. Cameron made homosexual marriage his personal cause. “When MPs in New Zealand passed gay marriage laws they celebrated by bursting into song.” More and more are declaring that it’s time to “move on.” They are. Everyone in authority is moving on because they’ve accepted the inevitable.

The hate, anger, vilification and discrimination is heavily weighted against the “homophobic” and “bigoted,” not against the confident and assured homosexuals.

Kimberly writes:

Buck says that now this couple will have to deny unmarried couples in the same ways they deny homosexuals in order to stay open. Shouldn’t they be doing this already? I mean, it’s pretty much all the same. Lust is lust, and real marital love is entirely above and beyond all that.

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