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Gelding the Marine Corps « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Gelding the Marine Corps

May 13, 2013


Congresswoman Jackie Speier reporting sexual assaults in the military

N.W. writes:

In the midst of all the other news out there, your readers may have missed two interesting stories concerning one of the last bastions of manhood in our country, the Marine Corps Infantry.

The first story concerns an investigation launched by Rep. Jackie Speier, the California Democrat who describes the United States military as harboring “a culture that permits and seems to encourage sexual assault and abuse.” Her evidence includes a number of popular Facebook groups which provide an unadulterated glimpse into the hard-charging and depraved mind of your average junior enlisted infantryman.

Fighting men haven’t changed much over the millennia. When they aren’t training, they’re usually fighting, chasing women, or drinking.

The humor on these pages represents this mindset in all of its uncensored glory. When it comes to it, it’s no more depraved than most video games, Hollywood films or the despicable behavior that is allowed, if not actively encouraged, on liberal college campuse across America.

It isn’t the loose morals which upset Ms. Speier, however. It is the antagonistic attitude these fighting men hold towards  women, especially women in the military. A common line one will find throughout these Facebook pages is that women should get the hell out of the military and back into the kitchen, preferably making sandwiches for their men. Interspersed with this are sexually crude and occasionally violent jokes and memes concerning what these men think of women who run around or cheat, as well as jokes and stories about women getting meritorious promotions and cush positions through sexual favors. There is a great deal of anger.

All of this, of course, concerns Speier greatly. It clearly demonstrates the stubborn readiness of these men to fight against the grand plan. There is a certain cockiness and superiority in infantrymen. They have endured and overcome, and out of all those serving in our military, they often are the ones who thole through the worst of conditions and carry on to complete the mission. There has always been a certain level of antagonism between fighting men and the rest of the military, but this divide has grown larger in recent years, particularly through the integration of women into non-combat roles within the service.

Through it all, the infantryman has found himself more and more distinct. He is part of a unit that is strictly masculine and this is something in which he he takes great pride.

A good friend of mine served eight years in the Marines as an 0331 machine gunner in the late eighties and early nineties. His father was a combat engineer in Vietnam who retired as a lieutenant colonel. My friend told me one day that in all of his eight years in the Marines he never once saluted a woman in an officer’s uniform. In his opinion, a woman did not rate a salute. He was intimately aware of what it took to become an Officer of Marines, a leader that could hold the respect of fighting men and he knew that a woman could never fill this role. Such an attitude is not uncommon.

Unfortunately, as it stands, the radicals will most likely have their way and the method by which they do it will probably go like this: politicians such as Speier are going to demonstrate how male-only institutions like the Marine Corps Infantry directly contribute to a misogynistic culture within the military. In order to neutralize this, and bring greater cohesion to our military while combating destructive division within the ranks, a completely integrated military will be necessary. While it may be argued that this will hinder combat efficiency at the unit level, such side effects will be compensated for in the increased efficiency of the armed forces as a whole. Good old boys clubs like the Marine Corps Infantry will have to go.

While on it’s face, Rep. Speier’s assault seems to be geared towards combating the sexual harassment of women, at its heart such actions are geared toward destroying any remaining edifice of the largely vanquished patriarchy. To this end, liberals have exaggerated the number of instances of sexual assault in the military by declaring that four out of five instances of sexual assault go unreported. They then feel justified in throwing around figures that are five times as large as the reported number of cases. Such statistics, coupled with the use of the ambiguous phrase “sexual assault” (which could be anything from rape to trying to dance with the wrong girl at the club) and you have a situation which is being intentionally overblown to make a point.

One other problem which is contributing to the disenfranchisement of enlisted men, is the readiness with which career officers will sell out the integrity of the military in order to appease their political overlords and advance in their careers. The current Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James Amos, is no exception. In response to Rep. Speier’s wild allegations of sexual harassment and violence against women, he bent over backwards, apologizing “for the shameful behavior of my Marines.” General Amos was never an infantryman, a stark anomaly as Commandants go.

The second story concerns the further efforts of General Amos to make sure that the Marine Corps is not some kind of “good old boys” club. From The Washington Times comes an article concerning the Corps’ efforts to recruit more Asian Americans. Less than five percent of the population, Asian American comprise three percent of the Marine Corps, which isn’t bad considering their high numbers in colleges and universities and the preference of Hawaiians and Japanese for the Army. According to the LA Times, “the underlying theme is to bust stereotypical views of the Marine Corps as a white man’s club.”

The Marine Corps is still a realm mostly led and shaped by men. One seldom encounters such a thing in modern institutions and this anomaly irks our radical leaders. They will not allow such a thing to exist if they can help it.

—- Comments —-


Laura writes:

Anyone who truly wanted to prevent women from being assaulted in the military would try to keep them out of the military or strictly limit their numbers. If women cannot defend themselves against their fellow combatants, they cannot defend themselves against the enemy.

Speier’s arguments are stunningly idiotic. But to prevent this truth from being openly discussed, suppression of free speech is necessary. From Stars and Stripes:

“Marines must use their best judgment at all times and avoid inappropriate behavior that could bring discredit upon themselves, their unit and the Marine Corps,” Capt. Eric Flanagan, a Marine spokesman, said in a written statement. “This includes posting any defamatory, libelous, abusive, threatening, racially or ethnically hateful or otherwise offensive of illegal content.”

John writes:

I also cannot understand the liberal feminist line. On the one hand, they tell us that tough, macho military women can do anything that male soldiers can do, but on the other, they tell us that the military must be feminized so that mean military men won’t abuse all those poor defenseless girls in uniform.

It does seem like a contradiction. But who are we peasants to question the wisdom of our betters? We must have faith. We must have faith not in puny logic, but in their inscrutable, transcendant revelations, and their wonders to behold. The goddess Equality, for whom these superiors speak, demands our unquestioning obedience.

Wheeler MacPherson writes:

With all due respect to N.W., the Marine Corps is not “still a realm mostly led and shaped by men.” If men were truly leading the Corps, we would not be seeing photos of homosexual Marines leaping into the arms of male lovers as we’ve seen in newspaper accounts. If men were truly leading the Corps, we would not see women anywhere near a combat operation. If men were truly leading the Corps, the Commandant and all his adjutants would be respectfully urging senior politicians to tell Rep. Speier to put her teeth together and to keep her opinions about the profession of arms tucked silently away in her shrill little heart.

Men are not “leading” the Corps. The senior male officers who wear the eagle, globe, and anchor are mere managers. Real leaders would be utterly intolerant of the nonsense rampant in today’s military (the type of intolerance Christ the Lord commended in His words to the Ephesian church in Revelation 2:2). But the Marine officers of today embrace with lickspittle enthusiasm every perversion of the natural social order tossed at them by the silk suits in Sodom-on-Potomac, churning out white papers and memos and orders to ensure conformity of the most malignant variety.

“The Few, the Proud?” Bah. The Corps I once loved and served is a cringing, servile shadow of her former self. She is being neither led nor shaped by men. She is merely being expediently managed, and this is tragic.

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