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Hedge-Fund Billionaire Apologizes for Stating the Obvious « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hedge-Fund Billionaire Apologizes for Stating the Obvious

May 28, 2013



Paul Tudor Jones, a hedge-fund billionaire, apologized on Friday for recent comments he made during a question-and-answer session at the University of Virginia’s McIntire School of Commerce. Jones was so insensitive as to inform his audience that based on his wide experience over decades, women and men are not equally successful in finance for one major reason: once a woman bears a child, she can never be as “focused” as earlier and thus can never be as successful. “And I’ve just seen it happen over and over.”

Mr. Jones may know something about hedge funds, but he obviously knows little about the reigning mindset in the halls of academe. Within a day of his remarks, not only Jones, but the university, which had sought not to publicize the gathering, were falling over themselves to apologize to the women in the audience. Jones had said the unsayable: that women change once they become mothers, and part of that natural development is a willingness to put their child over their career.

Jones’s offense was similar to that Lawrence Summers, the former president of Harvard who apologized for having the temerity to say that women are not as suited to men for careers in advanced math and science. In apologizing for speaking the truth, these men are what Shakespeare would have called “a pair of very strange beasts, which in all tongues are called fools.”

—- Comments —

Steve D. writes:

Here’s what Paul Tudor Jones should have said: “I’m sorry for mis-speaking the other day. I should have pointed out that, yes, there are many businesswomen who put their children second.”

Laura writes:

Wouldn’t that have been great? By the way, here are some of Mr. Jones’s comments:

As soon as that baby’s lips touch that girl’s bosom, forget it. Every single investment idea, every desire to understand what’s going to make this go up or go down, is going to be overwhelmed by the most beautiful experience, which a man will never share, about a mode of connection between that mother and that baby.

How outrageous. He praised the things women do as women, and is called a misogynist for doing it. In response, Alexandra Lebenthal, chief executive of the financial firm Lebenthal & Company, said in the New York Times, “I’m not sure that bonding experience of breastfeeding is all that wonderful,” which confirms an implication of what Jones said and that is that the women who remain in finance make lousy mothers.

Jay from Goshen writes:

When I saw the New York Times piece on this last week, I was going to ask you the following question: “Mrs. Wood, I respectully request that you make a prediction. How long will it take before Mr. Jones issues his retraction/apology/clarification and begins the abject crawl back?”

Before I got the chance to ask you, we got our answer. I’m surprised it took as long as it did.

Jay adds:

Don Vincenzo refers to “a pair of very strange beasts, which in all tongues are called fools.”

I would simply call them cowards. Summers and Jones are no fools.

I’d heard of Jones, and I’d heard of the Robin Hood Foundation, but I didn’t put the two together until I read the linked article. This explains A LOT.

This world is very sunk in feminist lunacy. The top guys are all married traditionally and have stay at home wives, but the rest of that crowd is made up of feminist women and girly or outright gay men.

Laura writes:

See the on-the-street interviews at ABC in which people say they are horrified to hear someone important say that women care for their children more than their jobs.

Laura adds:

Jones also said that men undergoing divorce make poor traders. See a clear video of his comments with the New York Times piece.

I’m not sure who else was on the panel, but one of the men responded to Jones by saying that women are better financial managers than men, to which Jones says that the world would be better off  if it were run by women.

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