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Manif Vows Ongoing Resistance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Manif Vows Ongoing Resistance

May 22, 2013


THE French organization Manif Pour Tous issued a statement this week on the occasion of the promulgation of the Taubira law legalizing same-sex “marriage.” It called on opponents of the law to attend this Sunday’s rally and vowed to continue until the law is repealed. From the remarkable statement:

Today the law is official. Has the last word been said? Must hope vanish? Is defeat definitive? No!

Our opposition movement, an immense groundswell, will not stop, for the simple reason that it is born of a profound, innate refusal of a law based on the lie that makes believe that a child could have two men or two women as parents.

Contrary to what has been said – another lie among many – this law concerns all Frenchmen because every human being, tomorrow, will be vulnerable to being deprived of a father or a mother.

Our movement is the profound expression of what a tremendous number of Frenchmen are feeling: the succession of generations, the future of humanity, can only be founded on a recognition of the reality of Man.

It is why we Frenchmen will never consent to the notion that there can be spontaneous generations!

We will never consent to Medically Assisted Procreation for everyone or the legalization of Surrogate Motherhood.

We will never consent to Monsieur Hollande using French institutions for the benefit of gender ideology which is the basis of the “marriage for everyone” law.

We refuse that French politics be dictated by a lobby that does not even represent the totality of homosexuals, much less the totality of French people.

We refuse that French politics turn away from the essentials: the urgent concerns of citizens who are facing today a dramatic economic and social situation.

We defend respect for true democracy: an upheaval of civilization such as this cannot be done if a debate with the totality of the French people is rejected. For it is clear that a debate within parliament alone or narrow circles such as the Constitutional Council is not sufficient for such a matter.

In recent history, there have been laws passed that were repealed or never applied.

For this law to be repealed, we call on all French citizens to mobilize more than ever before: Sunday, May 26, their presence is absolutely necessary. Not one Frenchman conscious of the scandal of this law can fail to respond to the appeal!

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