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Michelle’s Weirdest Do « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Michelle’s Weirdest Do

May 9, 2013


Michelle Obama, our First Teenager, and Prince Harry; The Daily Mail

JAY from Goshen writes:

Have a look at Mrs. Obama’s new ‘do.’ It sets a new standard for Mrs. O’s special brand of hideousness. On the other hand, although I am no judge of women’s fashion, the dress is floral, pretty, and at least decently cut.

Laura writes:

A few months ago, she was a teenager. Now she is pre-teen. She looks like a human doll. It’s creepy and, like so much Michelle does as First Lady, deliberately incongruous and transgressive. By the way, notice the photos, also in The Daily Mail, of women staffers at the Capitol ogling Prince Harry — I thought once women reached the halls of power they would elevate the tone of government — and the interesting luncheon outfit of the British ambassador’s wife, Lady Westmacott.

— Comments —

Eric writes:

Michelle Obama’s hairdo is the strangest thing to happen in the White House since Elvis visited Nixon.

Buck writes:

From Wikipedia:

“Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is an American lawyer and writer. She is the wife of the 44th and current President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the first African-American First Lady of the United States.”

Really? Michelle, ma belle, is first noted at Wikipedia – because certainly all of us think of her first this way – as an American lawyer and writer. Then, second, as an adjunct of sorts, we’re reminded that she is the wife of the current President of the United States. Feminist editor?

This hair thing is either a too difficult a challenge for her, an element of her persona that she can’t get comfortable with; or she is simply having fun at our expense. The fact that this noted lawyer and writer is an exhibitionist wouldn’t be a notorious problem, but for the fact that it overshadows her secondary responsibility: representing us as the First Lady of the United States.

Laura writes:

She is playing the role of First Truly Hip Lady Extraordinaire.

What a laughable idea that the woman in this adolescent get-up is a lawyer and writer. She has as much lawyerly gravitas as a Barbie doll.

Paul writes:

You usually get it right, but you are way off base on this one. It happens.

Ms. Obama has never looked better. Indeed, she appears somewhat attractive, which is something I thought impossible. Her muscular shoulders are hidden, and she must be laying off the weights because her arms are now feminine. The poor thing was not blessed with natural beauty, so when she manages to find the right handler, we need to applaud her.

The dress is lovely and coquettish to the point that it makes her look much younger than her husband.

Now to the Do: again, it is the best she has ever managed. It is elegant and feminine.

Jay writes:

When I look at the dress, I think, “pretty.” Then I look at Medusa, excuse me, Michelle, and the favorable reaction evaporates. Completely.

Clothes do not make the woman (or the man). It’s a two-way street. Sometimes a truly handsome person can make a rag look good – that is the reason the fashion industry hires professional models, after all — and some people can make good clothes look bad.

Mrs. O is the latter. No matter what she wears it looks bad. But the dress itself is fresh and pretty.

Laura writes:

The dress would be fresh and pretty  on a 13-year-old. It is too short and girlish for a woman her age.

Terry Morris writes:

Maybe the general teenie-bopper look she seems to have went for in this whole getup accentuates the clueless expression on her face or something, but could she possibly have a dumber look on her face than the one she bears in the photo if she tried? Does she look utterly clueless in this photo or what? She can’t possibly be as dumb as that photo shows her to be. And surely there are others of her in the same outfit that show her to be at least semi-intelligent? So why choose this photo for release?

She really does look stupid in this photo, aside from the dress and hairdo.

A reader writes:

I can’t help but notice that the Wikipedia article cited two obvious, well-known errors before the one fact about Mrs. O. She is no longer a lawyer (if she ever was), as she had to turn in her law license due to fraud. This was perhaps one of the only times in her life she has been held accountable for fraudulent actions. She is also not the likely author of “her” book, American Grown. So we are left with the wife of the current President of the United States, which, although true on its face, is a position also held fraudulently. The problem with this one is that we will probably never see anyone giving up that position because the opportunity for accountability has slipped away. {sigh} I also read in the notably glowing article how she and her brother skipped the second grade; by sixth grade she was in a gifted class, and attended a magnet high school, before attending Ivy League colleges. For all of her supposed talent and education, why does she have no polish? Why such anger after all the good things she has experienced? Finally, I read the Daily Mail article regarding Prince Harry’s visit, and as I read, I also thought about his well-known antics last year in this country, yet despite that this young man still retains an air of breeding. I wonder how he felt about having to tolerate “our” First Lady.

Laura writes:

She is the wife of an elected president, so I wouldn’t say she is holding the position of First Lady fraudulently.

James McDonald writes:

That hair makes Michelle our First Tutti.

EH writes:

I do agree that Michelle O is, at best, weird, and at worst repulsive.

With her as First Lady, and Pelosi as Speaker, you’d normally think the country cannot sink any lower. But wait and see.

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