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Motherhood: The Extreme Sport « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Motherhood: The Extreme Sport

May 13, 2013


WHEN JAMIE PURSLEY arranged for her second cousin, Kristen Broome, to be a surrogate mother for her and her husband, she agreed to let a photographer document the whole process, which included Mrs. Pursley stroking and talking to the belly of the pregnant woman, entering the hospital herself on the day of the birth and acting out the part of a woman who had just delivered a child. She even left the hospital in a wheelchair.

Mrs. Pursley, who apparently showed no concern for how her son may someday view this spectacle, is an extreme manifestation of the feminist view of motherhood as a beautiful hobby. See the photos of her husband, Jacob Pursley, the boy-man who sits on the sidelines of this orgy of maternal lust, dazed and submissive. One can only imagine what emotional retribution he might have suffered if he had not participated in his wife’s fantasies.

— Comments —

Eric writes:

It strikes me that the New York Times has painted surrogacy in the most glowing possible terms: as a sisterly transaction between two women who are in the same family, motivated primarily by a desire to help.

Surrogacy is well on it’s way to being a cash business, complete with baby brokers and womb rental agents. When same-sex “marriage” kicks in, all those homosexual couples will crave children to complete (they hope) the masquerade. Given that they are unable to produce them, and that adoptable babies are scarce, they will turn to reproductive prostitutes to make up the difference. These will be cash transactions, strictly business, and will likely involve poor, Third World women doing the work Americans won’t do.

We keep finding new ways to debase humanity.

Laura writes:

Exactly. The Times has very obvious reasons for promoting the commodification of reproduction and making surrogacy appear simply as a gift of love.

Terry Morris writes:

Whoa! Very weird. Disturbing even. This young woman could actually be on the verge of psychosis. I don’t think it very wise to indulge, and thereby encourage, more and stranger varieties of this type of inordinate behavior. But what do I know?

Laura writes:

What is more disturbing than her behavior is the publicizing of it. There are reasons why the New York Times finds this an appealing subject but this also fits in with their ongoing desire simply to disturb and unsettle readers.

August 4, 2013

Nikki writes:

You are a cruel human being. Jamie Pursley’s story is not something for you to shred apart. If you had a soul and knew half of what she went through, or any woman who can’t concieve for that matter you would not have written that “Article”. Furthermore for you to say that this is a “Hobby” For Jamie Is really unfair. She lost a baby, and then lost her ability to ever carry a child of her own. Have some humen decency.

Abby Willis writes:

I have been following Jacob and Jaime Pursley’s journey since I stumbled upon their Robert William Foundation website in December of 2012. I felt an immediate connection because like Jaime, I too have a bicornuate uterus. I have carried two baby boys in my womb, only to have them both ripped from me. My first child was stillborn at 27 weeks and doctors could find no reason why. I went into preterm labor with my second child at 21 weeks and labor could not be stopped. Only after all of this did we find that my uterus was to blame. I held both of my baby boys in my arms, one breathing, one not. Those experiences and the loss that I deal with everyday will never leave my being. Ever.

Even after all of these horrible experiences, me and my husband’s desire for a child on earth has only grown bigger. After meeting with my reproductive endocrinologist, he has advised me that surgery to correct my uterus is much too risky for me and no guarantee that I will be able to carry a child to term. He advised us that the only way to have our own biological child would be with IVF with a gestational carrier. So, we are currently in the process and it has been extremely difficult, emotionally, financially and in a million other ways that you could not possibly understand.

I read your post, “Motherhood: The Extreme Sport,” and it made me feel sick on my stomach. The hate that you spewed was absolutely uncalled for. Have you even followed the Pursley’s and Mrs. Broome’s story, other than the picture that appeared in the NY Times? Do you have any idea what gestational surrogacy is? How dare you criticize these people for doing the only thing they know to do in order to fulfill their God-given desire of a family here on Earth. How dare you add to their hurt, a hurt you can not possibly understand! How dare you assume that you are educated enough in motherhood, fertility, infertility, IVF and gestational surrogacy to blast these people in the face of their adversity!

I just want you to know that for every hate-filled word you spew about the Pursley’s and Mrs. Broome, their are 100 people standing behind them, and 10 people out of those 100 that are going through the same thing. Please, if you want to use your platform to share your thoughts on someone’s life choices, do yourself a favor and learn all the facts first because you are doing yourself a grave disservice.


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