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Muslim France Celebrates Soccer Victory « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Muslim France Celebrates Soccer Victory

May 15, 2013


Rioters in Paris after Sunday's soccer match

WHILE the French police have harassed, beaten and whisked away peaceful protesters against the new same-sex marriage law, including a group of young people who were walking down the Champs Elysées recently without signs or banners, they did little when hoodlums descended on the Champs Elysées and the Trocadero on Sunday after the Paris Saint-Germain soccer club won. The soccer team, according to French writer Bernard Antony, was “formerly Parisian but now [is] owned by the Islamist State of Qatar.” Antony called Sunday’s riots “a barbaric rampage obviously engendered by the most total racist contempt for France and the French.”

Tiberge at Galliawatch has a number of important posts. She writes:

Some readers have suggested that this week-end’s rampage was part of a pre-programmed attack on France by Islamic forces, and other enemies of France. Manuel Valls [the Minister of the Interior] has ridiculously tried to compare the violence to the incidents that have occurred during the Manif Pour Tous. For him there is no difference. (Actually, there IS a difference: the Manif is much worse in his way of thinking, but he cannot quite bring himself to say that publicly.)

The passive, unperturbed, unmovable indifference at the highest level of government today is not very different from the passive unperturbed complacency of President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin in 2005 when the ghettos rampaged for days on end (October 27 – November 17 approx.), setting the stage for all future rampages, accelerating the Islamization of France, and forever paralyzing the police, under permanent orders to treat the vandals gently.

— Comments—

Alex writes:

The penguin’s regime has declared that the old France, the white Catholic France, has no rights. See Lawrence Auster’s post at VFR from January: Hollande to White Catholic France: Drop Dead (the last comment there is mine).

The new regime in France is doing exactly what Obama is doing in America – methodically killing what’s left of the old society. The Arab Muslim mob is the regime’s ally and weapon in its war on white Catholic France, the France of the Manif protesters. Why would the penguin restrain it?

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