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Browsing posts from May, 2013

Dominique Venner, cont.

May 24, 2013


DON’T miss Tiberge’s post on Dominique Venner’s suicide at Notre Dame. Venner is being portrayed as a traditionalist Catholic by some in the press, but he was in fact deeply hostile to Christianity. Tiberge quotes the French writer Yves Daoudal, who knew Venner:

I found him very unlikeable. And it isn’t because he was “pagan”, since I know pagans whom I like. Behind his paganism, there was, in truth, as one can see in his final message at his blog (before his suicide letter), but one can see it also in his manner of relating history, a total atheism, hence an absolute, hateful rejection of all that is religious. There was in him something satanic. That is how I perceived it. And his death confirms it. Read More »


The Boy Scouts, R.I.P.

May 23, 2013


THE leadership of the Boy Scouts of America decided today to admit openly homosexual scouts, bringing an end to the organization as a preserve of youthful masculinity. The decision by a majority vote among 1,400 scout leaders was not unexpected. The Scouts had lost major corporate sponsors and received relentless bad press. The Merck Foundation, Intel and UPS had all withdrawn major grants because the Scouts would not approve of homosexuality in its ranks; it was likely finances figured into the decision. But then let’s not dismiss the rank submission of American men, and their disregard for childhood innocence, as major factors here. Hundreds of men voted, after thoughtful consideration, to encourage adolescents to define themselves as homosexuals in one of America’s most revered all-male institutions. Need we say more about the degradation of the American man’s sense of authority and protectiveness?

Stay tuned for articles about boy scouts who want to wear dresses, girls-who-want-to-be-boys scouts and boy scout parades that include make-up and earrings (it wouldn’t be fair otherwise.) Homosexual activists have vowed to continue to pressure the group until it accepts homosexual scout leaders. The best families will leave the organization, and years from now, when older men look back bitterly on how they were initiated into homosexuality in the scouts, the memory of the good that the organization once represented will be long forgotten and buried.

The Boy Scouts is no more, but there are still boys. There are still vast woods and lots of sticks with which to build fires. There are still plenty of good men who want to introduce boys to manhood. One doesn’t need a corporate-funded super-organization to take a pack of boys into the woods and learn about survival. It’s time to begin anew. As more and more American institutions collapse irrevocably, there is no time to weep.

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Cameron Says Islam Is the Victim of Woolwich Attack

May 23, 2013


JAY from Goshen writes:

I’m surprised at you. You are just not getting it.

This London attack was an attack on Islam. That’s what really hurts.

Up is down.
Down is up.
Black is white.
White is black.
And the sun rotates around the earth.

Don’t you know that either?

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Two Soldiers, One British and One Muslim

May 23, 2013


Lee Rigby, the 25-year-old soldier killed yesterday (The Daily Mail)

THE Woolwich jihadist, Michael Adebolajo, 28, became a serious Muslim when he was 15 years old, reports The Daily Mail. He is the son of Nigerian immigrants and, for thirteen years, he evinced all the makings of a future jihadist, reportedly alarming his family and friends. He became a self-appointed soldier for Islam and finally took his beliefs to their logical climax when he killed the British soldier Lee Rigby yesterday.

Such an act could have been prevented. But brilliant surveillance work that can distinguish the bad Muslims from the good Muslims will never work. All Muslims support jihadists in the sense that all support the prophet and the sacred texts that mandate brutal slaughter of infidels. There is only one sure way to prevent jihad in Britain, and that is to prohibit the practice of Islam — not radical Islam, but all Islam. Islam contains positive teachings and most Muslims are not murderers. But, as Bill Warner, of the Center for the Study of Political Islam, puts it, one cannot separate Islam’s political ideology and its promotion of violent conquest from its good moral teachings anymore than one can take yellow out of a rainbow and still have a rainbow.

Center for the Study of Political Islam


Center for the Study of Political Islam

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A Bumper Sticker

May 23, 2013


FOUND here.

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A Child of Indian Immigrants and Her Rise to Power

May 23, 2013


Bhagwati with her parents, who are Ivy League professors

KIDIST P. ASRAT has an excellent post at Reclaiming Beauty on Anu Bhagwati, the feminist activist and former Marine who is in the news campaigning against the misogyny of the American military. The strange spectacle of a daughter of Indian immigrants lecturing the nation about the wholesale evil of historic military protocols has what is in many ways a very familiar background story. Here is a perfect symbol of multicultural America and its nihilistic elevation and worship of the alien other.

Bhagwati’s childhood was characterized by the typical Asian focus on educational success. Her parents, professors at Harvard and Columbia, had attained prominence not long after they came to America in the 1960s. Read More »


Muslims Behead British Soldier on London Street

May 22, 2013


TWO machete-wielding black Muslims beheaded a man, believed to have been a British soldier, on a London street today and one of the men is apparently recorded on video with blood-soaked hands, saying, “You people will never be safe.”

David Cameron called the attack “truly shocking.” He is lying through his teeth. No one who knows the slightest thing about Islam would consider this attack shocking. Such beheadings were ordered by Mohammed himself. Here’s a news account in the Express. From the story:

A Whitehall source claimed the men were heard to shout ‘Allah Akbar’ as they attacked the victim in broad daylight.

The incident occurred near the headquarters of the Royal Artillery. Cameron is also quoted as saying:

“We have had these sort of attacks before in our country and we never buckled in the face of them.”

It’s true. The British government has never buckled before the obvious danger posed by Islam in Britain.

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May 22, 2013


Flowers on the Windowsill, Carl Larsson


Manif Vows Ongoing Resistance

May 22, 2013


THE French organization Manif Pour Tous issued a statement this week on the occasion of the promulgation of the Taubira law legalizing same-sex “marriage.” It called on opponents of the law to attend this Sunday’s rally and vowed to continue until the law is repealed. From the remarkable statement:

Today the law is official. Has the last word been said? Must hope vanish? Is defeat definitive? No!

Our opposition movement, an immense groundswell, will not stop, for the simple reason that it is born of a profound, innate refusal of a law based on the lie that makes believe that a child could have two men or two women as parents.

Contrary to what has been said – another lie among many – this law concerns all Frenchmen because every human being, tomorrow, will be vulnerable to being deprived of a father or a mother.

Our movement is the profound expression of what a tremendous number of Frenchmen are feeling: the succession of generations, the future of humanity, can only be founded on a recognition of the reality of Man.

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French Nationalist Commits Suicide at Notre Dame

May 22, 2013


(AFP) Police cordon off Notre Dame

A translation of the suicide note of Dominique Venner, a French intellectual who opposed liberalism, can be found at Occam’s Razor. Venner shot himself before the altar of Notre Dame yesterday. At Chronicles, Srdja Trifkovic gives an account of the French man’s life in Dominique Venner, a French Samurai. 

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They Refused Lesbians a Double Bed

May 22, 2013



The item about Tbilisi’s priests and protesters caught my attention.

This is because my wife and I operate a bed-and-breakfast in New Zealand and are currently dealing with a complaint filed with the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. The reason is that we would not offer a lesbian couple a double bed, just single beds. Of course, in a world where millions are homeless and any bed would suffice, we have nevertheless transgressed most grievously against the holy caste.

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“The Theology of Laughter”

May 21, 2013


Msgr. Joseph Manak, of Frydek Mistek in the Czech Republic

HOW MANY buffoons can the progressivist Catholic Church accommodate? Here’s one more at Tradition in Action.


Cuomo and the Cardinal

May 21, 2013



Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York is a politician whose role in pushing through the legalization of homosexual marriage, including making knowingly false guarantees about the exemption of religious institutions from the law, is second to none. But it has not kept him from receiving the approval of the famously pandering prince of the Catholic Church, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and Chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Read More »


The Classic Movie

May 21, 2013


Greer Garson in "Random Harvest"

ALAN writes:

One of the reasons why I enjoyed reading View From The Right”  was Lawrence Auster’s thoughtful discussions of motion pictures – specifically, what is right about classic motion pictures and what is wrong with modern motion pictures. On this theme, I offer the following thoughts:

Can any of your readers imagine today’s American motion picture industry saying“We have the responsibility to see that what appears in our pictures is decent and moral – fit for the families of all the world. Decent entertainment continues to be the best entertainment.”

Of course the major studios are not going to say that. How could they, in light of the indescribable evil, ugliness, and depravity they choose to glorify in their motion pictures?

But they did say it in 1954:  Eight motion picture studios pledged their continued support that year of the Motion Picture Production Code, which was not a form of “censorship” (as Modernists would have us believe) but a voluntary system of self-regulation.  [ “Industry Heads Throw Weight Behind Code,” Motion Picture Herald, Feb. 20, 1954, pp. 12-13 ] Read More »


Life in Georgia

May 21, 2013


SAM writes:

Regarding your post on the rally in Tbilisi, I recently passed an incredibly pleasant six months in the Republic of Georgia. It’s the kind of place where pretty churches adorn every other street corner and every other hilltop. When a Georgian, regardless of age, passes or catches sight of one of these lovely places of worship, he stops to cross himself piously. Young women act sweet, dress stylishly but modestly, marry young, and dream of children. Young men marry as soon as they find a job (not easy) and the new family usually moves in with his parents. Divorce is rare. Laziness and alcoholism are their great national sins, and they admit it. Read More »


Preserving the White Intellectual Underclass

May 20, 2013


THE New York Daily News last week reported an unpublicized whites-only graduate fellowship at Columbia University, and the news quickly spread throughout the country that J.P. Morgan, the bank which oversees the fund, and the university have gone to court and asked to remove the whites-only clause.

The intentions of Lydia S. Roberts, a wealthy Iowa widow who bequeathed her entire estate of $500,000 to Columbia in 1920 to set up the graduate fellowship, will likely be discarded in Manhattan Supreme Court and her wealth used for purposes other than those she specified. You might call this theft, but if it is, it’s not a new type of theft. Many of the people who bequeathed their hard-earned wealth to American colleges and universities surely never intended to subsidize students from Saudi Arabia or China or to deny financial assistance to applicants purely because they are white.

Fortunately Mrs. Roberts does not have the ability to object. If she were somehow brought back to life, she might ask some embarrassing questions about the tens of thousands of students who receive scholarships reserved for nonwhites every year. She might not understand that the vast white intellectual underclass, faced with crushing debt and dim prospects, represents a form of justice. But then she was the product of an un-enlightened era.

Mrs. Roberts has been posthumously educated.

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An Epidemic of Loneliness

May 20, 2013


AT his blog Upon Hope, the Australian Mark Moncrieff writes:

[W]e see all around us a world in which people who are in the prime of life are lonely. Not for a short time or because of some unfortunate circumstance, but in what seems a permanent state of affairs. The most worrying aspect is that it seems to affect every social class and both sexes. You yourself may be lonely, I bet that you know someone who is. Someone who in theory is in the prime of life, with quirks but nothing seriously wrong with them, in other words a perfectly normal person.

Why is loneliness such a large factor in modern life?

One major reason, in my view, is that radical equality creates sameness and homogeneity. When the vital distinctions between people disappear, they become indifferent to each other and alienated in deep and fundamental ways. Furthermore, the worship of speed and energy and the idol of busy-ness create no time for spontaneity and informal connection.

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An ATD (Academically Transmitted Disease) in the Mail

May 18, 2013


ADAM writes:

The attached graphic is from an email I received from the alumni association of my university. This was one of the news items in the alumni newsletter I receive regularly. It was advertising a networking mixer specifically for “LGBT” alumni. I found the name of the event quite appropriate: LGBT Devils’ Pride Chapter Mixer. Of course, it is referring to the Sun Devils — the name of the university’s football team. Read More »