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Seattle Priest Rejects Scouting « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Seattle Priest Rejects Scouting

May 29, 2013


WHILE the bishop who oversees the National Catholic Committee on Scouting has approved of the new membership policy of the Boy Scouts of America, the Rev. Derek Lappe, of Our Lady Star of the Sea parish, is among those priests who have repudiated it. Fr. Lappe announced in his Sunday bulletin this week that the parish will no longer host the Boy Scouts. He offers a lengthy explanation. Here is an excerpt:

Through no fault of their own, through the breakdown of families, through the failures of society at large young people can find themselves struggling with same-sex attraction. The question is, what is the best way to help them? How do we offer hope and healing?

He continues:

The New Boy Scouts are basically offering a program of ratifying a label of “gay”, which the young man has placed on himself, and which so many elements of society also are happy to place on him.

A survey was done to poll the scouting community as to their opinions concerning the possibility of a policy change, following is one of the questions (the questions were extremely leading, as you can see):

Tom started in the program as a Tiger Cub, and finished every requirement for the Eagle Scout Award at 16 years of age. At his board of review Tom reveals that he is gay. Is it acceptable or unacceptable for the review board to deny his Eagle Scout award based on that admission?

Pretty obvious what answer they are looking for.

Based on the more scientific and research backed approach of the Catholic Medical Association here would be a series of more pointed questions which would actually get to the issues that could lead to hope and healing for the boy, rather than imprisoning him in that self-identification for the sake of political correctness:

Tom’s father was an alcoholic; he abandoned the family when Tom was five. To compensate, Tom’s mother was overprotective and began to depend upon Tom even from a very young age. Because of this, Tom never got to play with other boys his age and never played sports. Tom was molested by one of his mother’s boyfriends. Since the age of 12 Tom has been confused about his sexual desires and fantasies and thinks he might be gay. Is all of this acceptable? Should we all tell Tom that this is normal? Should we affirm that this 16 year old boy is, in fact, “gay”?

Or should we not have the courage and the love to stand up and say this is a tragedy, an all too common heartbreaking disaster? Should we not admit that it is sad and wrong from beginning to end– and that we are going to do everything we can to help kids like Tom? [cont.]

— Comments —-

Mary writes:

From Rev. Lappe’s letter of explanation: “Our parish cannot be involved with a group that has decided to ratify or approve the self-identification of a 10-18 year old boy as “gay” or “homosexual”. To me it is cruel, and abusive and absolutely contrary to the Gospel to in any way confirm a teenager in the confusion of same-sex attraction, which is what the New Boy Scout policy will do [his emphasis].”

This priest gives an example of true charity, which is done with love for the person but also concern for the person’s salvation; it includes correction when necessary. It is a false form of charity to allow these poor boys to be used as pawns to advance homosexual rights. We must use our heads or intellects first – of course with gentleness but not guided alone by our hearts and emotions – to the benefit of all souls.

In the case of this new BSA policy we need to accept that this was a trumped-up manipulation of our emotions with a very specific end. It’s sometimes hard to be objective about the culture in which we live, but a few moments pondering life a mere 50 or 60 years ago can give us all the information we need to see clearly what happened. A mere half century ago the concept of “same-sex attraction” for young children didn’t exist; the rare little child with obvious homosexual tendencies was pitied, rightly thought to be deeply disturbed or the victim of abuse, removed from normal society and given help; not forced into healthy groups, asking them to adjust to the child. Society was not asked to absorb this child into itself – society was protected from this child. This is the healthy and rational response.

Why didn’t young children lay claim to “same-sex attraction” 50 years ago? Because we have created it out of whole cloth; it is a product not of that time but of ours; it is the logical outcome of a sexualized culture. Through this culture we have caused our children to ponder things they weren’t meant to ponder; we have initiated them – in our very schools – into the mysteries of human sexuality; in a classroom; with a stranger guiding them; until there are mysteries no more.

Laura writes:

Homosexual experiences in adolescence are not unique to this time, but the idea that these indicate a permanent and acceptable inability to engage with the opposite sex is new.

Mary continues:

Yes, homosexual tendencies have always existed. What is new is that the problem has been given a name and presented as a legitimate choice to young children and this is dangerous as it alters the natural course that would lead the child to a normal life. This is the goal, of course, a goal that if successful will remake society. I think many people are innocent to this.

When we wonder about who will be directly harmed we can look to the many late bloomers who will be derailed into homosexuality because they question their lack of interest in the opposite sex; the young boy who mistakes his preference for the company of other boys for homosexuality; children with tomboyish or feminine qualities who will early on be guided to find their “true selves” into homosexuality by parents, teachers, activists, etc; impressionable teens will be taken advantage of. Indirectly, all of society will suffer.

One thing is certain: a fully committed, practicing homosexual experiences great suffering. No one should be ushered into this lifestyle, helped along as it were, for that reason alone. They need help and sympathy and prayers and real charity, for there is so much sorrow. But building our culture around them is unspeakably dangerous.

Laura writes:

I agree with every word. This is worth repeating:

When we wonder about who will be directly harmed we can look to the many late bloomers who will be derailed into homosexuality because they question their lack of interest in the opposite sex; the young boy who mistakes his preference for the company of other boys for homosexuality; children with tomboyish or feminine qualities who will early on be guided to find their “true selves” into homosexuality by parents, teachers, activists, etc; impressionable teens will be taken advantage of. Indirectly, all of society will suffer.

As I said before, adolescents sometimes turn to homosexual experiences as a way of delaying adulthood, of which they are terrified. To have this momentary disorder encouraged and transformed into a full-blown and permanent way of life is deeply destructive.

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