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Small-Town Teacher Harassed and Threatened by Muslims « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Small-Town Teacher Harassed and Threatened by Muslims

May 6, 2013


MARY JANDA, a teacher in Skagit County, Washington told her middle school students in a class discussion on bullying that Muslim terrorists are raised to be martyrs for Allah and to kill innocent people. A Muslim student in the class objected and informed her parents who then, without ever discussing the case with the teacher or the school, informed the Concil on American Islamic Relations. CAIR has been harassing Janda ever since and requested a Department of Justice investigation of the school. See Pamela Geller’s piece at Freedom Outpost.

Geller writes:

We see this pattern repeated in small towns and cities across America. Hamas-CAIR, armed with millions of dollars from Islamic supremacist countries, is waging its own stealth jihad in our schools, workplaces and political arenas. They have enormous funds to harass, intimidate and bully small, ill-equipped organizations and individuals who have the audacity to tell the truth about jihad violence and Islamic supremacism. Mary Janda is just one of many.

Wherever Islam flourishes, truth is suppressed with this kind of persecution.

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