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The Rally in France « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Rally in France

May 28, 2013


ESTIMATES vary dramatically as to the number of people who demonstrated against the legalization of same-sex “marriage” in Paris on Sunday. They range from 150,000 to one million. Judging from the photos and videos posted at Galliawatch, the number is at least several hundred thousand.

The New York Times accepts the smaller figure and describes the demonstrators as religious conservatives. In fact, many of those drawn to the Manif Pour Tous events are not religious. Galliawatch reports that Frigide Barjot has quit the organization. A major French newspaper’s declared the rally a success and stated that France has split in two.

The front page of Le Parisien above also features an article about the Cannes Film Festival. Karl D. writes:

The film that won the Palm d’Or award at this years Cannes festival is a French film called “Blue is the warmest color.” The three-hour film is about two young lesbians, and includes a twelve-minute sex scene between the two that leaves nothing to the imagination. Jurors for the award included Steven Spielberg and Nicole Kidman.

I am a huge fan of classic film both foreign and domestic. My personal collection numbers around 1,000 DVDs. It is beyond sad that films such as this year’s winner (which seems nothing more than a pornographic film with a homosexual agenda) are included in the same category or previous winners such as David Lean’s Brief Encounter, The Third Man, Miracle in Milan, The Wages of Fear, as well as the Umbrellas of Cherbourg to name a few. There have been other “racy” films to win in the past, but this one (from what I hear) takes the cake. Interestingly, 1965 seems to be the last year before the old film order morphed into the progressive 1960s order at Cannes. Umbrellas of Cherbourg won in 1965 and the following three years was The Knack… and How to Get It, A Man and a WomanThe Birds the Bees and The Italians; Blowup won in 1967.

— Comments —

Dan R. writes:

I can only imagine the choice words Lawrence Auster would have had today for the conservative “culture warriors” of FoxNews and talk radio who have virtually ignored the goings on in France. First, no doubt, because it’s France, a country they consider “the enemy.” It’s obviously beyond their capabilities to imagine anything of a conservative nature emanating from there, but second, and probably more significant, is their acceptance of the premise of the “gay rights” movement, or, as Lloyd Marcus put it at The American Thinker, the “homosexuality is normal” movement. Of course Auster actually had plenty to say at VFR about the faux conservatives, presaging these most recent events, and thanks to you and others it’s still online and hopefully will be for a very long time to come

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