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The Refugee Racket « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Refugee Racket

May 16, 2013


ED HUNTER writes:

The family of the accused Boston Bombers entered the U.S. claiming “asylum.” Like so many other “refugees,” the Tsarnaevs immediately went on welfare, and then flew back and forth to Russia for visits. How could they be escaping a life-and-death situation if they were returning to their home country for extended stays?

This is one small incident in a giant scam called Refugee Resettlement which is run by the State Department and originated in the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980. The federal program has settled tens of thousands of Somalis, Nigerians, and Muslims in small towns in Minnesota, Vermont, Tennessee and elsewhere, which of course destroys those communities forever. After decades many of these refugees remain on welfare, suspicious and resentful and dedicated to building in America the same failed culture they supposedly left behind. In this assault on our civilization, the U.S. taxpayer has had no vote, but he must, of course, pay the costs in terms of welfare, terrorism, endless expanded security.

One group that is making out nicely are the federal contractors aligned with the Catholic Church, Lutherans, and Hebrew Immigrant Services who all make big money at this scam. This has nothing to do with real religion and everything to do with their demonic new faux religion, Utopian Universalism.

However, once a year the State Department consults the U.S. public. Yesterday, in a hearing at the State Department, witnesses, including muself, called for an immediate suspension of the program and testified to its destructive effects and widespread fraud.

Laura writes:

Michael Sirois, who worked for 25 years for the International Rescue Committee, was among those who testified. The Center for Security Policy has posted his remarks. They are long but I think they are worth reading in full.

Testimony by other witnesses can be found here.


—- Comments —


Debra C. writes:

I was gratified to see Ed Hunter take up this banner and for your follow-through on the Refugee Racket; this is an issue that demands wide circulation, as it demonstrates conclusively that the historic American nation is under assault by a myriad of factions.

I would like to offer, however, that the religious groups Mr. Hunter cites are not monolithic; that is to say, there is a wide divergence of belief within the various overarching denominations, and the Catholic Church, and I contend that it is the liberal elements of these entities that are infused with the social justice, mass immigration, ethos. For example, many in the Southern Baptist Convention feel compelled to import as many third-worlders as they can; mostly this comes from its leadership, while the people in the pews are less inclined to join the treason lobby. See here, for example.

Mr. Hunter writes:

At this year’s hearing, many more letters of protest were registered, and more speakers against the program showed up. The tide is turning in our favor. Next year we will have an even more vigorous letter-writing campaign and solicitation of speakers. Ann Corcoran’s website is a daily compendium of outrages and well worth reading. If you ever wonder what hordes of Somalis are doing in Minneapolis, why mosques are sprouting in Philadelphia, or why Chechen bombers are claiming asylum, this program offers an explanation.

MB writes:

Feminism works double duty in this one. Rep. Jackie Speier recently called for the U.S. to grant refugee status to any Afghan woman.

“Naturally” these woman would be allowed to bring their children, destroying their own families and our country simultaneously. Truly insidious.

A reader writes:

For those interested, Thomas Allen frequently writes at VDARE.com regarding “The Refugee Racket.” He describes himself as a recovering refugee worker. Having seen the industry up close, he knows how it works and how corrupt it really is. Here is a link to some of his writings.

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