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The Scouting Renaissance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Scouting Renaissance

May 25, 2013


THERE is a good side to the decision by the Boy Scouts of America to make a dramatic break with its tradition. It has already inspired many parents to cut their ties with the national group and start to form new organizations. Taylor Marshall proposes a Catholic version of the Boy Scouts. He calls it the Scouts of St. George. He offers a seven-point manifesto here. Marshall proposes that the group not register as a non-profit and accept no government oversight at all.

— Comments —-

Terry Morris writes:

Mr. Marshal proposes the new Catholic version of the Scouts he envisions not register as a non-profit, accepting no government oversight? Well praise be! If one doesn’t believe that God can do more with 90 percent (or any percentage short of 100 percent) than we can do with 100 percent, his “faith” is completely misplaced. May all such organizations catch this spirit.

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