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The Worse Islam Is, the More They Love It « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Worse Islam Is, the More They Love It

May 24, 2013


FROM the Telegraph:

The Deputy Prime Minister [Nick Clegg] paid tribute for [sic] Muslim groups for responding to the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich on Wednesday with a call for “unity and calm”.

Mr Clegg said: “Over the last few days London has shown itself at its best: an unbreakable city once again refusing to bow to hatred and violence. Of all the groups and faiths represented here today, I would like to pay special tribute to London’s Muslim community.

“An unspeakable act has been conducted in their name. Yet while this has provoked feelings of frustration and anger – it flies in the face of the peace and love that Islam teaches – Muslim organisations, Mosques, Imams and community leaders have responded with a call for unity and calm. They have set an example for us all.”

— Comments —

Henry McCulloch writes:

See picture at link. Clegg is one of the very worst. If it is enlightenment he is looking up for in his fey way, he isn’t finding it. The deeply evil murder of Lee Rigby is about as strong evidence in support of Lawrence Auster’s doctrine of separation from Islam as one can find. And all Clegg can talk about is the “peace and love that Islam teaches.” I would love to send him to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan with a Cross or Star of David tattooed on his forehead, so that he might learn first-hand what Moslem peace and love really is.

Terry Morris writes:

Your post title puts me in mind of Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations.

Laura writes:

For those who are unfamiliar with it, Auster First Law of Majority-Minority Relations is this: “The more egregiously any non-Western or non-white group behaves, the more evil whites are made to appear for noticing and drawing rational conclusions about that group’s bad behavior.”

In keeping with this law, here is my prediction for the course of events in Great Britain in the not-too-distant future.

As Islam more and more reveals itself for the program of brutal political conquest and intimidation that it is, the British government will more and more oppose and suppress those Britons who acknowledge this fact. Islam will destroy Britain (or, I should say, bring Britain to its final and most devastating stage of destruction) by inciting civil war among Britons.

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