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“Youths” Rioting in Stockholm « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Youths” Rioting in Stockholm

May 24, 2013


YOU’VE got to appreciate the mendacious consistency of the press. This caption is from the Financial Times:

Policemen extinguish burning cars after youths rioted in Husby, Sweden, on May 20, 2013. Youths in the immigrant-heavy Stockholm suburb torched cars and threw rocks at police, in riots believed to be linked to the deadly police shooting of a local resident.

And then there’s this from the BBC:

It’s hard to discern a pattern in the violence that has wracked the Swedish capital Stockholm for five nights.


In the areas affected, local people said the motive of the youths making trouble was anger over joblessness.

Some said it was simply a matter of criminality and parents were to blame for not controlling their offspring better.

There was a widespread assertion that the violence was not motivated by Islamist ideology.

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