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15 Specific Proofs of Obama’s Detestation of America « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

15 Specific Proofs of Obama’s Detestation of America

June 12, 2013



1. In an NPR interview in 2001, Obama sharply criticized the Constitution for guaranteeing ‘negative liberties,’ i.e. for restricting the government in order to protect the liberty of the individual, but not ‘positive liberties,’ as embodied in welfare and other ‘rights’ similar to those found in the constitutions of Cuba, North Korea, China, and Stalinist Russia. O referred to “the so-called Founding Fathers.”

2. Last summer, O made this confession of his utter alienation from and hatred of our country’s creed:

If you are successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Here we see the mind of the neo-Communist. The successful must be dragged down to the level of the unsuccessful, just as in the Communist states which imploded only 24 years ago. Utopians never permit truth, concrete realities, to interfere with, as Adam Smith wrote, their ‘delusions of enthusiasm.’ (The racial income gap has narrowed in the past forty years, but Obama’s sordid career is based on fanning division and resentment.)

3. He was pals with Communist terrorist Bill Ayers, who escaped prosecution for bombing the Pentagon in the 1970s. He declared his first candidacy in Ayers’s home. Ayers likely ghost wrote one of O’s fraudulent autobiographies.

4. These books idolize his father (if he was the father), a drunken Communist bigamist who obtained positions in Kenya by lying that he held a Ph.D. O saw his ostensibly beloved father only briefly  in his entire life. This role model was killed when he drunkenly drove a car into a tree.

5. O’s  influences most of his life were radical left and alien to America. His hippie mother took him to live as a Muslim in Indonesia with her second husband. Here he committed a heinous crime against God. He devoured a little dog (or dogs) who by the sadistic sub-subhuman practice of East Asia and the Orient likely was tortured to death in the belief he ‘tasted better’ the more he suffered slowly.

6. Back in the U.S. to be raised by his left-wing white grandparents, he admired a poet whose identity he tried to obscure in his books: Frank Marshall Davis, an American journalist, poet, political and labor movement activist, and businessman. Davis was a member of the CPUSA and known Red. O was enrolled in a left-wing hippie school in Oregon before entering college. His term papers, in an unprecedented cover-up for a presidential candidate, have never been released. No white candidate ever received such treatment.

7. As a student at Columbia he hung out with radical left and Communist groups.

8. He demonstrated his alienation from our history within minutes of entering the White House when he removed a bust of Churchill from the Oval Office and rudely returned it to Britain, our traditional bosom ally, which had donated the gift. He hates Churchill because Churchill was Prime Minister a second time when in the 1950s Britain ruthlessly suppressed the extremist violent Mau Mau rebellion in its then colony of Kenya. Most Kenyans opposed the Mau Mau. Having often demonstrated his abysmal ignorance of history, O (actually quite a stupid man) did not know Churchill had tried to temper the severity of the colonial police. Evidence of his stupidity: he said there are 57 states, pronounced ‘corps’ as ‘corpse’ and said ‘Attorney Generals’ rather than ‘Attorneys General.’ Imagine had G.W. Bush uttered such howlers.

9. As President he denigrated the ideal of American ‘exceptionalism.’ As Lincoln said, ‘The last best hope on earth.’ But O said every country, none of which has our unique, inspiring history, ‘considers itself exceptional.’ Obviously he has zero understanding of this ideal and may never have heard it before. His comment was the classic neo-Communist line from today’s radical left liberals, that we can never distinguish that which is best because it would ‘offend’ others and deny their ‘equality.’

10. On several occasions as President he has deliberately omitted ‘endowed by their Creator’ when quoting the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that All men Are Created Equal, that they are endowed {by their Creator} with certain unalienable rights. . .” Why?

11. In his craven apology speech in Egypt months after taking office he denigrated the U.S.A. before one of the most degraded and repressive cultures on earth. Mubarak obviously was the only source of order and stability in Egypt and O’s democratic elections placed the extremist terrorist MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD in power in the biggest Arab country. Thousands of Christian Egyptians have been killed and the democratic parties repressed. Thus there is no democracy in Egypt. Israel and peace in the region are endangered.

12. Further demonstrating his and his party’s stubborn ignorance of the sad history of disarmament and blindness to hard facts, he pursues unilateral nuclear disarmament as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea increase theirs. Our nukes keep the peace!

13. He and his traitorous party promote amnesty for many millions of illegal aliens, who take jobs from Americans and reduce wages and fill our prisons and murder or kill Americans with their wild driving.  He refuses to enforce border security laws, as G.W. Bush refused. This allows in terrorists. He said all Americans should learn Spanish, thereby de-legitimizing our language, the language of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the USA.  He is deliberately erasing traditional American culture to buy Hispanic votes and keep power forever, so his neo-Communist Democrats can impose a communistic dictatorship.

14. In his 2008 campaign he denigrated middle class white America ‘with their guns and religion.’ Obamacare is an unprecedented assault on freedom of religion, by requiring religious hospitals, against their principles, to provide birth control insurance to employees.Obamacare is a classic collectivist step toward the communization of the U.S.A. into the U.S.S.A., the United Soviet Socialist States of America.

15. In a speech to Mexican students in 2013 he criticized the U.S. annexation of parts of current Utah, Colorado, Nevada and California, as well as all of Arizona and New Mexico, under the terms of our Treaty with Mexico ending the war of 1846-48. This creature is the President of the United States?

O may or may not be an alien in legal terms, but he certainly is alien in spirit to our country’s principles and ideals. He despises and works tirelessly to undo our American heritage and legacy.  This first black president, a vicious lying demagogue, is with Nixon the most divisive president. He debases the office shamelessly because he has no respect for it or our country. He is a smooth talking Jeremiah Wright, and gained office only on white guilt.

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