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A Recap of Events in France « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Recap of Events in France

June 25, 2013


La Manif Pour Tous en France by FreeMyFrance

AT Galliawatch, Tiberge writes:

The recent events in France, so tumultuous and spontaneous, cannot be condensed in a six-minute video. However, despite the overly ambitious goal of this video, it recaptures (with helpful English titles) the energy, the enthusiasm of the demonstrators, the police actions, and the protests in the National Assembly by some politicians with a modicum of courage. These are just a few of the events that have filled the web pages, the newspapers, the blogs, the streets of Paris, and public squares in towns and villages throughout France for the past several months.

Note: Commercials interrupt the video near the end.

Tiberge also has many other interesting posts about events in France, including entries on the imprisonment of the protester Nicolas Bernard-Buss.

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