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Bishop Describes Murder of his Secretary by Homosexual « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bishop Describes Murder of his Secretary by Homosexual

June 6, 2013


IN A debate on homosexual “marriage,” Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, Illinois recounted the 2002 murder of his secretary, a mother of four, by a homosexual man, Lifesitenews reports

According to John-Henry Westen:

Bishop Paprocki began his address to the crowd powerfully noting the media discrepancy in covering the Matthew Shepard murder and that of his own former secretary, a mother of four, who was killed by a homosexual man for urging him to change his gay lifestyle.

“A Google search on the Internet for the name ‘Matthew Shepard’ at one time produced 11,900,000 results,” said the bishop. “Matthew Shepard was a 21-year-old college student who was savagely beaten to death in 1998 in Wyoming. His murder has been called a hate crime because Shepard was gay.”

He continued:

A similar search on the Internet for the name “Mary Stachowicz” yielded 26,800 results. In 2002, Mary Stachowicz was also brutally murdered, but the circumstances were quite different.

The idea that the anger of someone like Stachowicz’s murderer or the lesbian who taunted Michelle Obama will disappear if society approves same-sex unions or embraces some new form of non-discrimination is a foolish illusion. In some individuals, these legal measures will make their anger worse. These actions confirm them in their sense of historic victimization and thus any disapproval or differentiation is an outrage.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Bishop Paprocki is absolutely right about one thing: no concession made to militant homosexuals is ever going to satisfy them. These people understand nothing but brute determination to defeat them at every turn. Which is why in 1992 when homosexuals inundated every level of government in a concerted effort to rewrite existing non-discrimination laws all across the U.S., I said to those within my small circle that ultimately we would be forced to ‘shove them back into the closet where they belong, head-first.’ We must begin again to discriminate against this lunatic fringe, and not just cease to capitulate to their demands, else we are doomed.

Mike Berman writes:

In Israel, it’s the same story.

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