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Federal Judge Charged with Racism for Stating Facts « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Federal Judge Charged with Racism for Stating Facts

June 6, 2013


FIFTH Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Edith Jones faces a formal complaint of judicial misconduct for stating in a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania in February that nonwhites commit more violent crimes than whites. Steve Sailer writes about the case, which involves several comments made by Jones, at VDARE. And, here is a rebuttal to the charges at the legal blog Above the Law, where Tamara Tabo writes:

While there’s not enough space here to evaluate each of the charges the complaint makes, let’s have a closer look at a few of them, starting with her alleged comments on race.

According to the complaint, Judge Jones asserted that “certain racial groups commit more of these crimes than others.” She said that “[s]adly some groups seem to commit more heinous crimes than others.” When asked to explain her remarks, she stated that there was “no arguing” that “Blacks and Hispanics” outnumber “Anglos” on death row and “sadly” it was a “statistical fact” that people “from these racial groups get involved in more violent crime.”

Note that she did not say that race causes criminality, only that we see a disproportionately high number of violent offenders of certain races. These are facts. Even without knowing her, you could easily conclude that Judge Jones thinks these are unpleasant facts. That would certainly explain her alleged repeated use of the word “sadly” in reference to these statistics about race and crime. [cont.]

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