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Feminism Leads to Poisoning of Girls « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feminism Leads to Poisoning of Girls

June 11, 2013


THE Obama administration has dropped its weak attempt to keep the Morning-After-Pill from availability without a prescription for girls as young as 11. So much for the vaunted concern of the president for the health and welfare of young girls. And so much for the righteousness of feminists, who say they stand for the welfare of women when they are seeking to harm them in ever more novel ways.

Here are some facts about levonorgestrel, the key ingredient in the pill. Notice this:

Studies in animals or pregnant women have demonstrated positive evidence of fetal abnormalities. This drug should not be used in women who are or may become pregnant because the risk clearly outweighs any possible benefit.

Teenagers are not known for their cool judgment. How many girls, after missing a period, will go to the drugstore in the hope that the “Plan B” pill will prevent them from getting pregnant and use it when they actually are pregnant?

Also notice this:

Appropriate studies performed to date have not demonstrated pediatric-specific problems that would limit the usefulness of levonorgestrel in teenage females. levonorgestrel may be used for birth control in teenage females but is not recommended before the start of menstruation.

Clinical trials do not usually involve children or adolescents. There will be a mass clinical trial, however, and the results will come years from now when we see diseases that have resulted from this drug.

The behavior encouraged by this drug is also likely to bring a rise in sexually transmitted diseases, as well as encourage girls to view sex as just another casual encounter in a radically depersonalized society. Girls know that sex is meaningful. The Morning-After-Pill teaches them that it is not.

The concern liberals have for pesticides in fruits and vegetables, which is a legitimate worry, while all the time they support the poisoning of human beings for the sake of sexual freedom never ceases to amaze. Think of Michelle Obama lecturing the nation on healthy fruits and vegetables. Where is her concern for the health of children now?

—- Comments —-

James N. writes:

Another aspect of this farce is the fact that younger teenagers often have ideas about whether or not they could be pregnant that are not exactly based in biology.

Girls are going to be taking this drug without actually having any possibility of being pregnant, based on fairy stories they hear from their poorly informed friends.

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