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France Anti-Islam Demonstration Banned « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

France Anti-Islam Demonstration Banned

June 17, 2013


RL Poster June 22

TIBERGE at Galliawatch reported on June 13:

A demonstration against the Islamization of France and “anti-fascist” left-wing extremists has been banned by the Paris Prefect because of its “provocative nature.”

The demonstration was set for June 22, under the aegis of Riposte Laïque. Christine Tasin, one of the major contributors to RL[,] reacts, first by saying that if the demonstration had been against extreme right-wing groups it would not have been banned and Manuel Valls would have joined in:

What is forbidden in France is to denounce thugs when they are Islamized. What is forbidden in France is to denounce the extreme left-wing fascist militias.

What is forbidden in France is to denounce the Islamo-thugs and the Antifas (i.e., antifascists) because the government is afraid of them, afraid of their ability to cause trouble, to “disturb public order”…

The government has just admitted that its natural allies,Islamos and Antifas, impose their law through terror. A regime that relies on facsist militias like the Islamo-thugs and the Antifas to stay in power is a totalitarian regime…

Nothing can convince me that a police force capable of controlling demonstrations of more than a million people, of mobilizing hundreds of vans of riot police, is incapable of protecting a few thousand persons against hundreds of barbarians.

To ban our demonstration will be perceived by those we denounce as an encouragement to continue imposing their law through violence, with no risk on their part of being dissolved…

We will think about what to do next, but obviously we cannot stop here. [cont.]

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