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Immigration Bill Advances; Senator Delivers Speech in Spanish « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Immigration Bill Advances; Senator Delivers Speech in Spanish

June 11, 2013


THE Rubio-Schumer immigration bill easily passed its first hurdle in the Senate today as senators voted, 82-15, to move it to the floor for debate. See Senator Tim Kaine,  Virginia Democrat, delivering a speech in favor of the bill in Spanish here. He did not deliver an English version during his speech. The day when such a thing would have been unthinkable is long since passed.

Most of the country’s 11 million illegal aliens would receive green cards under the measure and legal immigration levels would double. Here is a report by Norman Matloff, posted previously at VDARE, on the proposed increase in legal immigration for high-tech workers. Countering the argument that the country needs the skills of foreign engineers, Matloff says the availability of foreign high-tech labor is responsible for an “internal brain drain in the United States.”

—- Comments —-

Spencer Warren writes:

I just wrote and phoned Sen. Kaine, denouncing him as a traitor for supporting the amnesty bill and speaking in Spanish on Senate floor. Told him and staff they are traitors to everything my Dad fought for in World War II.

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