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In Unisex Sweden, Men in Skirts « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

In Unisex Sweden, Men in Skirts

June 9, 2013


Daily Mail

KARL D. writes:

Here is an article from The Daily Mail. It seems some Swedish men who work the trains are now wearing skirts in lieu of shorts since the company banned them for men. The company claims it can do nothing. To tell them not to wear skirts would be “discrimination.” What’s even sadder, out of the 176 comments on the story, the vast majority (I’d say somewhere close to 99.5 percent) are supportive!

Do these two creatures look like men to you? If I were a woman I could not look at these two as men who would be good providers, protectors or strong male father figures to my children.

—- Comments —

Anonymous writes:

Maybe they’re on their way to becoming Scottish warriors.

Laura writes:

It’s not unknown for men to wear skirts — and to wear them in a distinctively masculine way. A man in a skirt doesn’t look like a woman unless he shaves his legs, wears feminine shoes, etc. In some ways, a skirt on a man highlights the differences between the sexes. Even in Sweden, where children are indoctrinated from an early age to demonize masculinity, one can’t disguise or ban these differences. They are there for all to see.

I guess I wouldn’t be turned off by these men, who are neat and in uniform. They’re saying, “To hell with it, I’m going to get around these dumb rules.”

Terry Morris writes:

May I point out that these men, whether they acknowledge it or not (apparently not), have higher obligations to their co-workers and the surrounding community than that of mocking what probably is a dumb change in dress policy, and therefore should pursue other means of reinstating the old policy while dressing in a way in which they may be of physical service to someone in need when no other man is around to provide such assistance? I realize it is a remote possibility that they might be put in such a position, but it is a possibility nonetheless, and I think they should dress the part. I for one always do.

Laura writes:

You’re right. These aren’t loose-fitting skirts and these men are significantly hampered in their movements.

I’d like to think that they are not just mocking one rule, but Swedish society and its pervasive and mandatory egalitarianism. But they probably are not.

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