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IRS Agent Lectures Pro-Life Group « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

IRS Agent Lectures Pro-Life Group

June 10, 2013


ALAN M. writes:

There is an angle to this story about an IRS agent bullying a woman from a pro-life group that I believe most people will miss: immigration.

The agent in question, Sherry Wan, is likely a not-so-recent Chinese immigrant judging by her accent and the fact that she is employed by the federal government.

Government affirmative action programs lead to the government being filled with a high proportion of immigrants relative to general society. When we import people from societies that do not share our worldview, we end up with a society, and in this case, a government, that is less likely to share our worldview.

—- Comments —

Brett writes:

Alan M. writes: “Government affirmative action programs lead to the government being filled with a high proportion of immigrants relative to general society. When we import people from societies that do not share our worldview, we end up with a society, and in this case, a government, that is less likely to share our worldview.”

While this is completely accurate, it’s even worse than the above.

Once we import enough people who are of different values, we legitimize the idea of no values being held in common; this means that there is no values system at all. All we have are laws, which are decided by the clamor of the crowd for “solutions” to “issues” of a political nature.

If we import no one, but decide that all people must be equal, and therefore that whatever values each individual chooses are acceptable, we have created a similar state of no-values. This is convenient for government, which inherits all the power culture once had, and business, which needs people who need products to fill the holes in their shattered lives.

The driving force behind diversity is the same force behind pluralism, which is the demonic desire for radical individualism among citizens, who then band together and decide that their whims must come before any hierarchy, order or truth so that they might be truly “free.”

This is the essence of the process that since at least 1789 has been deconstructing Western civilization like peeling an onion, ripping aside centuries’ worth of carefully constructed social order and replacing it with the voracious, insatiable radical individualism of the neurotic and rootless individual.

Not wearing blue jeans, and not eating pizza,


Laura writes:


Buck writes:

My God. Are we a Second World country heading to Third World status, or an egalitarian one-world country with no status at all? Or whatever the hell this country now is.

Especially in light of the current revelations about our IRS, agent Sherry Wan, an actual U.S. government IRS agent, sounds like a babbling idiot apparatchik manning a desk at authoritarian headquarters. Ania Joseph sounds like a saint for so politely tolerating Wan’s verbal assault. Ania Joseph barely gets in a word (transcript) over the rambling, repetitive droning of Wan. And Wan, who barely speaks English, made the call? Once Ania Joseph mentioned seeking legal advice, Sherry Wan revealed a hint of humanity, but then she repeats her mantra again. It’s painful to listen to this, but this is what the United States now is – the lowest possible common denomination.

I agree with Brett’s citing of 1789 as the beginning of our end. Once the actual governing began, so began the inevitable trade-offs and betrayals.

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