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Marriage in Post-Marital Britain « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Marriage in Post-Marital Britain

June 5, 2013


A SAME-SEX marriage law is currently being debated in the British House of Lords. According to the New York Times:

[THE] 86-year-old Baron Jenkin of Roding, said he had been supportive of gay rights since he was a college student and his grandfather first explained gay people to him. Speaking on Monday in the two-day debate over a bill to legalize same-sex marriage, Lord Jenkin argued that the measure would not diminish the bonds of traditional marriage, as its opponents have maintained.

“One has to regard that argument as really quite misconceived,” said Lord Jenkin, who served in Margaret Thatcher’s cabinet and has been married (to a woman) for 61 years. He presented it as a hypothetical: “A young man poses the question to his intended. ‘Will you marry me?’ And she replies, ‘Oh, no. This bill has made it all totally different. It’s for gays and lesbians — I can’t possibly marry you.’ That is pure fantasy.”

Baron Jenkin, a walking illustration of how radical liberation has its roots in the classical liberalism of his grandfather, might have considered another scenario: A young man considers marrying a woman he loves and whom he has slept with for years. Marriage is not necessary to his everyday happiness, but it seems like a romantic thing to do. However just before he plans to pop the question, he thinks of Tom and Harry, Zachary and Blair, Bill and Michael. In short, he thinks of all the men he knows who have gotten married and of the pictures of men marrying each other that are constantly in the news. Though this young man wouldn’t dare say it out loud, something about marriage suddenly seems, well, effeminate and not right for him. He decides to go on living with his intended, just as everyone else does in Britain. After all, a marriage certificate is only a piece of paper.

Note the article says Baron Rodin “had been supportive of gay rights since he was a college student.” This is obviously a fabrication. The concept of “gay rights” did not exist in the 1940s.

—- Comments —-

Art writes:

There was some activism before the 40’s, although it was mostly in Germany.

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