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Michelle Obama Heckled by Lesbian « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Michelle Obama Heckled by Lesbian

June 5, 2013


Ellen Sturtz scolded Michelle Obama on Tuesday night

lesbian protester heckled the First Lady at a fundraiser at the home of a lesbian power couple in Washington Tuesday night and Michelle Obama threatened to leave. The Daily Mail reports that Ellen Sturtz, outraged that Obama has not issued an executive order on employment of homosexuals, called out that she was a ‘lesbian looking for federal equality before I die.’ Michelle left the podium where she was speaking and said to Sturtz, “Listen to me or you can take the mic, but I’m leaving. You all decide.” Sturtz was simply escorted from the gathering, her outburst in striking contrast to the evident success of her hostesses and to the warm support of the Obamas for “equality.” Just another lesbian thug out for an evening of fun.

—- Comments —

Daniel S. writes:

I think this episode is an example of how nothing will ultimately satisfy these aggrieved pseudo-minority groups. They will always demand an ever increasing amount of “equality.” The futility of trying to equalize an illusion with reality is forever lost on them.

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