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More Totalitarian Feminism in the Navy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

More Totalitarian Feminism in the Navy

June 18, 2013


FEMINISM is totalitarian by nature. Sex differences exist, therefore they must be repressed. When it comes to women in the military, this means the male service member becomes the enemy. 

Elizabeth Harrington of CNS News reports:

In a memo sent on June 13, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus ordered that all sailors, Marines, cadets and civilian employees have their workplaces searched by June 28.

The “comprehensive visual inspections” of the workspaces conducted by commanding officers will “ensure they are free from materials that create a degrading, hostile, or offensive work environment.”

Such items are “contraband,” the memo says.

According to the order, “Workplaces include but are not limited to: Office buildings, facilities, naval vessels, aircraft, government vehicles, hangars, ready rooms, conference rooms, individual offices, cubicles, storage rooms, tool and equipment rooms, workshops, break rooms, galleys, recreation areas, Navy and Marine Corps Exchanges, and heads.”

“Individuals conducting the inspection will immediately seize and document any contraband discovered during the course of workplace inspections,” the memo says.

“Contraband includes materials that are patently lewd, lascivious, obscene, or pornographic, as well as supremacist images, publications, or materials,” it says.

Those items can include song lyrics, “inappropriate cartoons,” picture with “inappropriate comments,” and “unprofessional” calendars or posters, according to a spreadsheet template provided to commanders to record their findings.

The searches are a result of an order by Defense Secretary Hagel, after a Pentagon survey found that approximately 26,000 Service members experienced “some form” of sexual assault in 2012. [cont.]

What is a “supremacist” image? A picture of a pretty girl.

—- Comments —

Thomas F. Bertonneau writes:

Regarding the new Puritanical ban on “contraband” in U.S. Navy workplaces: We can be absolutely sure that Jane’s photograph of her butch girlfriend in her work station will not be found “offensive” but that Jack’s picture of his beauty-contestant fiancée in his will.

A related thought: When I first went to college, liberalism was promising “sexual freedom.” We have had amply demonstrated that the promise was diametrically opposite to the actual program. It was a lie, as everything that liberalism promises is. Welcome to Orwell’s “Anti-Sex League.”

Diana writes:

I have to say that I disagree with the recent comments about feminism in the Navy. My husband is in the Army, as are many of my friends and family members, and pornography is a problem for many of them, particularly one cousin who became addicted to it overseas. While I wasn’t privy to these specific searches, I have to say that as a Christian, I can only be grateful that these men are being held to a certain standard in terms of what kind of photographs can be displayed. I believe that pornography is always evil and always a negative influence, and I don’t think this is a feminist view at all, since many feminists nowadays are pro-pornography and feminism has become highly sexualized. I obviously don’t know the exact details of what images were removed, but obscene and illicit images aren’t of “pretty girls”–they’re pornographic, plain and simple, and if the military seeks to display integrity and family values, I don’t believe that that kind of distraction should be tolerated.

Laura writes:

I entirely agree with you about pornographic imagery. It’s that word “supremacist” that is disturbing. That’s why I chose it from the text. What are “supremacist” song lyrics and who determines what they are? Also, the reasoning for the searches is flawed. They are intended to accommodate women in the military, not to protect men and their wives from the harmful effects of pornography.

Douglas writes:

The Air Force searched the work place of everyone several months ago. I am retired from the military but now work as a contractor. I was instructed by my boss to check all work spaces. We were instructed to remove all material even things such as jokes that favor one view, liberal or conservative, over another. Anything that may offend someone else was to be removed. Several of my employees asked if they had to take down biblical verses. I told them if things degrade to that point, I will walk out the door and someone else would have to deliver that news.

Laura writes:

It seems likely the military will ban Christian scripture in work spaces too, given the influence of Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Also, since it cannot discriminate against Islam, the only way to ban sayings from the Koran would be to ban all religious verses, including those from the Bible.

Mary writes:

Diana wrote: “…and I don’t think this is a feminist view at all, since many feminists nowadays are pro-pornography and feminism has become highly sexualized…”

How true and that is what’s vexing. Since the 60s feminists have been pro-pornography; when they had the power to protect our culture from pornography’s damage they chose to publish Playgirl instead. But the rules change to suit the cause. I don’t buy it.

Pornography is an insidious evil that has played a major role in the destruction of our culture. It’s never OK. But I can’t help but ask, why the sudden interest? The answer is that it’s a power grab: now that many military men have been caught in pornography’s snare – and let’s face it, men are more vulnerable to this than women – they will turn it around and use it against the men, to punish and shame them and bring them to heel.

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