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NSA and Terrorism « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

NSA and Terrorism

June 17, 2013


DANIEL S. writes:

There is much that can and should be said about the mass surveillance of American citizens by the NSA, which has been repeatedly justified by our rulers in the name of combating “terrorism.” That is exactly what it is not about. The Justice Department has made clear to the FBI that surveillance of mosques is not allowed without special permission from a secretive panel, the Sensitive Operations Review Panel. In the same manner, the American government had been repeatedly warned about the extremist, violent views of jihad-terrorists Umar Abdul-Mutallab, Major Nidal Hasan, and Tamerlane Tsarnaev and yet chose to do little about them prior to their attacks on Americans.

Furthermore, the Obama administration, with the full blessing of prominent congressional Republicans, has funded, armed, and trained radical Muslim fighters (many with al-Qaeda connections) in Libya and Syria over the past several years. These same American-backed fighters have gone on to persecute and murder Christians, bomb churches, carry out suicide bombings, murder teenagers for “blasphemy,” beheaded prisoners, express solidarity with bin Laden and al-Qaeda, proclaim war against America and the West, among countless other evil atrocities.

The dead at Fort Hood and in Boston, as well as the countless Christians murdered or exiled in Syria, Egypt, and Libya are the proof of how serious our elites are about terrorism.

—- Comments —

Karl D. writes:

What has driven me beyond mad about this whole NSA fiasco is the giant elephant in the room which no one dares speak. Islam. One of the most important things I learned from the late Lawrence Auster was to boil thing’s down to their absolute essence. What is the bottom line? What is the true and the good? The only reason these massive intrusions into our privacy occur is the fact that there are large numbers (relatively speaking) of Muslims living on our soil or here on bogus visas. If all Muslim immigration was halted and reversed, every draconian security measure would evaporate overnight. Alas, under the current liberal regime and philosophy this will never happen. So this anarcho-tyranny as Lawrence Auster said, “Will continue forever.”

Over the last couple of weeks I have come to a hard decision. The Obama administration is a lawless and criminal regime. Amnesty is about to be rammed through in the dark of night as well as doubling current levels of legal immigration with active cooperation of numerous Republicans! This will put the final nail in the coffin of what was traditional America and guarantee an elitist leftist government ruling forever. The Republicans will become nothing more than a European style “Conservative” party. Let us also not forget we are about to arm jihadists in Syria with high tech weapons. I could go on and on but why bother. You know what I am talking about.

As sad as it is to say, I have come to the conclusion that America is dead and gone. There is nothing we can do or say that will change that fact. I don’t believe the ballot box (except local elections) will bring meaningful change anymore, as the left has shown itself to be a law unto themselves. For this reason I am now a secessionist. I can see no other alternative but complete separation from the United States of America as it stands now. A new American Republic is my new goal. I know this leaves me on the fringe and as someone who will garner giggles of amusement from both left and right. So be it. There comes a point when one has to admit the jig is up and the fat lady has sung. In my opinion, the song is over.

Laura writes:

The only reason these massive intrusions into our privacy occur is the fact that there are large numbers (relatively speaking) of Muslims living on our soil or here on bogus visas.

By allowing Muslims to settle and remain in America, we have surrendered basic civil liberties. The most advanced technology in the world can’t readily determine when a “moderate” Muslim becomes a “radical” Muslim, especially when mosques are protected. Therefore, surveillance must be pervasive, intrusive — and inept.

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