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Student Escapes Political Indoctrination Camp « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Student Escapes Political Indoctrination Camp

June 12, 2013


KAREN I. writes:

I wanted to let you know your website and the comments made by readers about several issues have helped me make a very important, possibly life-changing, decision about my son’s education.

The story is too long to put it all in an email, but to summarize I will say that if weren’t for your website, and the comments that made me reconsider my stance on several subjects, my son would have been subjected to four years of a “multicultural and group learning” excuse for a high school education, designed to make him a “better global citizen.” That won’t be happening now.

 Thank you.

—– Comments —-

Perry H. writes:

Letters like this make me happier than words can tell. In a world inundated with bad news, this kind of letter really brightens the day.

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