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The Cinderblock Cell of Public Education « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Cinderblock Cell of Public Education

June 7, 2013


AT The American Thinker, Daren Jonescu writes about the rash of punitive measures against boys with imaginary guns in schools. The boys are guilty, as Jonescu points out, of thought crimes. Jonescu is not foolish enough to believe that these are manifestations of extremism in a fundamentally sound system. He has written a number of articles condemning public education altogether. I highly recommend them and entirely agree with his working premise. Jonescu writes in another piece:

There are several major obstacles to overcome if there is to be any hope of saving civilization from the grip of the authoritarian pre-education camps we call “public schools.”  The most stubborn obstacle of all, however, is perhaps the one embedded in our own hearts, namely the all too human instinct to comfort ourselves with the thought that the soul-deforming corruptions of public education began in earnest only after our own school days, and hence that we ourselves escaped the harm we so easily recognize in others.

Among those soul-deforming corruptions, as the blogger Sunshine Mary points out, is the effort to turn boys into girls and girls into boys. No amount of tinkering with girls and boys sports program will fundamentally alter the effort by public education to create an artificial unisex world. The goal of public education is to cultivate passivity. Masculinity and femininity are empowering.

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