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West Point Rugby Players in Rehab « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

West Point Rugby Players in Rehab

June 3, 2013

THE entire West Point men’s rugby team has been temporarily disbanded because members made crude jokes about women in private emails, according to Army Times. The team was charged with creating “a culture of disrespect for women.” Team members are now undergoing an “intense respect rehabilitation program.” This involves “self-assessments, reflective journals and role-model interviews, supervised by a mentor.”

The team was investigated for more serious charges, but these were dropped.

—- Comments —-

Roger G. writes:

Good God. Worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.

I may not be a soldier, but I’m sure as hell a rugby man. And as far as that goes, I had the honor of playing for the U. of VA third team several times against both the West Point and Annapolis thirds, some 30 plus years ago.

I cannot imagine those men having had to be afraid of speaking bawdily of women, in private, with other men.

Treating rugby players like this only results in sissy rugby players. Unfortunately, we’re going to be dealing with Red China on a more critical venue than the rugby pitch.

Roger adds:

Anyway, how can you go to a military academy with women and NOT disrespect them?

 Laura writes:

The culture of respect for women abruptly ended when women were admitted to West Point. Expecting a woman to fight like a man is pretty darn disrespectful, but because this is an idea that originated with women, not men, it’s considered a high honor.

The culture of respect for men also ended when women were admitted to West Point. What other defense do men have for this transformation of military culture other than to make jokes in private about female cadets eating burritos? I can understand their being an honor code that extends even to the private behavior of cadets, and I’m not defending crude jokes, including those made in private, but the actions of these men are being blown out of proportion. If West Point is going to start monitoring offensive jokes, they should include those made by men about other male cadets too.

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