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White Deaths Outnumber Births for First Time « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

White Deaths Outnumber Births for First Time

June 13, 2013



More white people died in the United States last year than were born, a surprising slump coming more than a decade before the Census Bureau says that the ranks of white Americans will likely drop with every passing year.

Population estimates for 2012 released Thursday show what’s known as a natural decrease — a straightforward calculation of births minus deaths — of about 12,400 people among the nation’s 198 million non-Hispanic whites.

Only if reporters Carol Morello and Ted Mellnik do not read their own newspaper, in which various means of limiting births and demoralizing the white population are celebrated every single day, could they possibly consider this news “surprising.” Since it is unlikely that they do not read their own newspaper, their use of this word is entirely dishonest.

—- Comments —

Michael S. writes:

I clicked on the comments after The New York Times story. This was the first one I saw:

Los Angeles

The melting pot has never been better than it is now. I encounter many individuals who defy race classification, with a heritage that is clearly diverse, and they are all wonderful people. If there’s any real hope for the future of this country, it will be with the dying off of those who are very conservative…and white. They are responsible for much of what is wrong in our society right now — divisive, intolerant, hateful. The melting pot can only get better.

Laura writes:

Imagine the newspaper publishing a comment that said the country would be better if blacks were “dying off.” Eduardo is permitted open, flagrant racial supremacy and hatred.

Another commenter, Michael A. Livingston, probably white, writes:

It’s a sign of national health that nobody really knows when whites will become a minority and, by and large, no one cares.

Joe A. writes:

These are the Boomers meeting their just reward. We shall have fewer Americans but better Americans.

Buck writes:

Forgive me if I’m being obtuse, but is Joe A. indicting the Boomers for their low birth rate and contraception use? If so, why just the boomers? Is “fewer but better Americans” sarcasm?

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