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A Singular Incident Involving a Turnip and Mrs. Wood’s Ring « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

A Singular Incident Involving a Turnip and Mrs. Wood’s Ring

July 24, 2013


d Emile Munier (French Academic Painter, 1840-1895) Young Doves Coo 1891

M. MASON writes:

While engaged in online research about 19th century gardens I came across an article in the Shreveport Daily News of April 26, 1861 that I thought might interest you.  Titled “The Marriage Ring,” it gives a short historical overview of the symbolic matrimonial love-token which, the article states, “Many women regard as a precious treasure and preserve with great care.”  Then a certain personal story is related:

“The following singular incident connected with the subject of the wedding ring occurred some years since in England. A woman acting as cook to a lady at Northallerton, in cutting a turnip, found in the heart of it a gold ring, and immediately made her mistress acquainted with the extraordinary circumstance. The lady sent for the gardener’s wife, and asked her whether the ring she had upon her finger was the same that she had been married with? The woman replied that it was not, as she had unfortunately lost her wedding ring about a year or two after her marriage from off her whilst weeding in the garden. She was then asked if she should know the ring again if it was shown to her. To this she replied that the ring she had lost had a particular mark on it, which she described. The ring found in the heart of the turnip was then produced, and was found from the marks to be the identical ring lost by Mrs. Wood, the gardener’s wife, and was immediately restored to her, after it had been in the ground ten or twelve years.

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