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Catholic College Presidents Against the Rule of Law « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Catholic College Presidents Against the Rule of Law

July 19, 2013



In a letter Thursday to House Speaker John Boehner and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, some 93 Catholic presidents and several professors urged passage of a bill “that includes a road to earned citizenship,” according to the National Catholic Reporter.

Can anyone recall the last time U.S. Catholic college presidents as a group pressured any politicians about abortion?  [Laura writes: Or about same-sex “marriage,” divorce, contraception laws and affirmative action?] I can’t. Is this butt-in by these educrats (most of whom have probably been sneering at Church teaching for decades) a poisonous fruit of Pope Francis’s incredibly stupid visit to the illegal-alien magnet of Lampedusa and his love-in with all of the Moslem would-be invaders of Europe waiting their turn at that beleaguered beachhead?  Did Bergoglio take PR lessons from the Koran-kissing John Paul II, or is he just another Latin American “liberation theologian” after all?  Can we have Benedict XVI back now?

U.S. Catholic college presidents deserve our contempt even more than most U.S. Catholic bishops, and that’s saying something.  We know “Catholic” Pelosi agrees with them; will Catholic Boehner be swayed by them?  When I look at Boehner and McConnell on the immigration bill, I see wimps looking for a face-saving way to surrender to the Democrats and deliver us unto Charles Schumer’s Post-America.

— Comments —-

James P. writes:

There is already a “road to earned citizenship” for all residents here illegally. It is a simple process explained here:

1. Go home.
2. Apply for permanent resident status.
3. Live here for 5 years.
4. Demonstrate good moral character.
5. Pass a pathetically simple English and civics test.

The Catholic College presidents can take comfort in the fact that what they want already exists. No further Congressional action is required!

Paul writes:

I am afraid it is up to us traditionalists to get involved in our local churches.  Standing up for our beliefs is essential if the Church is to avoid schism over race and other aspects of ethnicity.  We don’t have heretical views.  We believe in the Apostles’ Creed, although I am not sure a schismatic can be a believer in the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

So it is dangerous to underestimate the accepted rudeness of non-native English speakers who chatter in our presence.  Just today, I was in the middle of five Asians chattering while I was waiting for my delicious, usual Friday-lunch hamburger (not fast food).  No doubt they were H1B workers, about whom I have asked my senator to explain his stupid support of H1B.

I plan, though I can’t guarantee I will have time, to get an appointment to see my senator or an underling at his local office during the August recess.  I surely plan to attend his local town hall and ask him questions politely but firmly; this inspires others to speak up.

The August recess is a critical time for those who oppose the amnesty.  Our representatives are home.  The disgusting Republican leadership wants to pass some kind of amnesty.  I sure wish I could retire, move, and run against one of the so-called conservative leaders if only to draw attention to their lying.  I suppose I could, but I am not ready for Valley Forge; although, if there were a leader that called for it, I would be there (I hope).

My senator is a devoted Catholic (as is my House representative) and a nice man.

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